coffeeshop confession(s)

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"No, no, no, no, no." You said to Jade with wide eyes.

"What?" She huffed, "Do you want to go out with her or not?"

"You know I do." You sighed. "Of course." She smirked. One of your classes was canceled and so, you had some free time. Jade took this time to bother you and make you talk about your non-existent love life.

"Come on! She's been flirting with you all this time. Are you seriously that oblivious?"

"Can we not-"

"No. We're gonna talk about this until you decide to something about it."

"Why?" You asked exasperatedly.

"Why? Life's too damn short for you to be wondering about what could have happened."

"You don't know how hard it is."

"Don't I?" She scoffs.

You arched a brow, "Okay, so know that Beck's gonna go out with Meredith?"

"What? I'm talking about how I know how hard it can be to confess to someone." Jade squinted, "But- Meredith?"

"You and Beck are broken up. But clearly, you still have feelings for him. So tell me, Jade, what will you be doing about that?"

You decided that since she was giving you a hard time, you were going to give her a hard time too.

"Fuck if I know." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't ask me. I don't even know what I might do in my own situation."

"She likes you. Do you need me to set up a date for you two? God."

"Actually, please do because my anxiety could never." You exhaled.

"Okay." She shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah." You swatted your hand dismissively.

"Oh, you think I'm kidding?" She guffaws, "Hey!"

"You're not?"

"Of course not. Do I wanna see your crush get asked out by someone else? No, I like you better than I do Tori."

"She's nice, what do you have against Tori."

The goth simply shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in the chair while taking a gulp of her black coffee.

"Wait-" You looked at her with wide eyes, "She does?"

"Need I remind you your crush is a damn Disney princess? Half the school's pining over her. Of course if you're even a second too slow..."

"God, stop stressing me out." Pinching your temple, you had your head down.

"Hey! Auli'i, come here."

Well, shit. You glared at the goth, and were ready to run away, burst into tears- or both, actually. She smirked.

"Hi, what's up?" She asked gleefully.

"I was wondering...if you'd wanna go out with us this weekend? Say, somewhere Maybe go see a play too."

"Oh, sure!" She agreed enthusiastically.

"Great. We'll text you when we figure out the details." Jade shrugged.

"Okay, I gotta get to class. I'll see you guys around, bye!"

"Bye." You mumbled. "See ya." Jade  waved curtly as she turned to leave.

"Okay, you win. I suck." You admitted defeat.

"Hang on." She scoffs, "You haven't lost."

"Yeah, fuck it. What's the worst thing that could happen?"

"That's the spirit." Jade says, "I'm gonna go to the restroom, you try not to go crazy."

"No promises here." You laugh. After a minute, you left the table to get a snack from the Grub Truck.

"Y/N!" Festus greeted you happily.

"Hey! Can I get a California roll?"

"Of course. A dollar-fifty." He responded while he got the food ready. When he hands you your sushi roll, you handed him the money. Thanking him, you walked back to the table and sat down.

"Woah, go easy on the food, Y/N."

"Shut the fuck up, Ryder." Jade roared.

"Just saying- she doesn't need to eat all that."

"Just saying- you don't need to be saying all that. Fuck off." She elbows him and sat down.

— • —

"He can go to hell." Auli'i's face scrunched up in disgust.

"I know. He's lucky I didn't kick him where it hurts." Jade said.

"How dare he?" Auli'i continues.

"I'm fine." You assured.

"Still, who is he to be saying so much shit to my..."

Jade grumbles, "Oh, you two are so infuriating. Do you want me to say it? Your girl? Come on man, you two have known each other since middle school. I could see it from the first day that you two liked each other."

Auli'i gulped, you looked out the cafe window. "Okay, so you, Cravalho- let's do this now. Y/N or Vega?"

She inhales sharply, briefly making eye contact with you. She puts her cup down. Jade watched you and Auli'i intently, "Unbelievable that I still have to be playing match maker, guys. Why are you two so terrified of each other all of a sudden?"

"I'm not!" You and Auli'i whisper-yelled to the goth in sync.

Jade rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Wow."

"I'm just scared of getting rejected." You revealed after a beat.

"I'm afraid that we would ruin what we have...our friendship's great and if you didn't want to go out with me after I'd confessed to you, I wouldn't want to lose a friend. I'm scared that it could happen. I don't want you to avoid me. Forget about me..."

"What?" You chuckled, swallowing thickly. "I should be so lucky to get to know you. I didn't want to risk getting turned down after putting myself out there- especially by you. Because you're you."

"Y/N- You know so many things about me that most of the people in school don't. I've been with you through some shit and I count myself so lucky to still have you in my life through every major change."

"Not to interrupt this moment, but- I'm gonna go...I'll see you guys in school." Jade got out of her seat in between you and Auli'i.

"Where are you going?" You asked shakily.

"You two got this so I'm gonna go." Jade said back, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

Auli'i quips, "Where are you going really?"

"I've got a date." She deadpanned.

"Ooh." Auli'i teased, "With Beck?"


With your hand on Auli'i's, you took another sip of your beverage, "Oh, no?"


"Oh, yay! Finally!" You gasped.

"Okay." Jade seethed, "That's enough. Don't tell anyone. Bye, lovebirds."

— • —

Unedited. Published: 09 January 2023

Another Victorious alternate universe oneshot just 'cause I can🙃

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