rainy morning

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You awoke from your sleep to the sound of rain hitting the windowsill. It was gloomy, but you were absolutely comfortable in your spot in bed. You roll over, gaze landing on a sleeping Auli'i. Her eyes closed and features relaxed as she was still in dreamland. You watch her for a little while, how her side went up and down every few seconds with each breath, how her hair seemed to perfectly frame her face despite several hours of sleep. You smiled to yourself, thinking about how lucky you were to have her in your life.

She begins to stir a little, her eyes then flutter open slowly. With a sleepy grin on her face, she quickly realised you were already up. "Good morning."

"Good morning, my love." You cup her cheek, leaning in for a peck on the lips. You instinctively snuggled closer till you could feel her breath against the front of your neck. Her arms wrapped around you after allowing herself a stretch and yawn, "Hmm. It's raining."

"Yeah." The smile doesn't leave your face, "It is. I like it."

"Me too." She combs a hand through your hair, her hand eventually cups your cheek. "Makes me feel...calm." She exhales. "You ready to get out of bed?"

"To...get something to eat?" You glance at her, biting your lip to keep from laughing.

"Yeah." She chuckles, nodding her head as she slow pushed the blanket off.

The two of you got washed up but stayed in the same outfits. "I saw this recipe for cinnamon roll pancakes yesterday. You wanna try making that later?"

She rinses the face wash off her face as she spoke, "Sure, babe. Sounds delish."

While you were brushing your teeth, she moves on to do her hair at the vanity. Her hair was currently up till slightly above her shoulders, so she couldn't do much with it so she just ran a brush through it. "Should I change?" She asks to no one in particular, "Maybe I should change out of these shorts into a pair of long pyjama pants. It's probably more comfy in this weather."

She ended up changing into a grey long sleeve shirt and pink plaid pants. You stole a set of comfy clothes from her as usual: a white oversized t-shirt and a pair of sage green shorts. "Aw, cute." She cooed, wrapping her arms around you from the back. She kisses the crook of your neck and rested her chin on your shoulder for a moment. You laugh, "You're cute."

She pulls away after a little while, then the two of you begin making your way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Fortunately, you had all the ingredients needed to make those pancakes the both of you wanted to try. And so, you started measuring out the ingredients while Auli'i took out the pan from the cabinet.

It didn't take more than fifteen minutes. Before you knew it, the warm and delicious aroma of cinnamon filled the air of the place. "Damn, it smells amazing." Auli'i plated the pancakes for herself and you. "I bet it'll taste even better with the syrup." You said. "I agree." She sits down opposite you and poured some of the cream cheese syrup on her pancakes then handed the bowl to you so you could do the same.

You and Auli'i cut a piece each and decided to try it at the same time, "Ready? Go."

Auli'i's eyes widen, "Best of both worlds, baby."

"Oh, we are definitely making these again."

~~ - ~~

"I was gonna light a candle to really get in the cozy mood, but the house still smells freaking good." She said with a laugh.

"Mm. Maybe later." She still had a smile on her face, "Wanna play a board game or something?"

"How 'bout Uno?"

"Ooh, sure." The two of your went over to the cabinet by the TV to look for the card game.

The time went by quickly. Before you realised, a whole hour had passed. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, babe." You tell her aa you got up from the floor. She acknowledges that with a nod, "I'll go grab some drinks. You want a snack?" "Maybe some pretzels?" You respond as you were headed down the hallway.

Once you returned, Auli'i had made a jug of lemonade and was pouring some pretzels and chocolate into a bowl. "Wow, you're fast." You chuckle. She did the same as she picks up the bowl from the counter. You then took the two cups and placed them on the coffee table like she did with the snack bowl. "You okay, baby?"

"Mhm." You took a sip of the lemonade, "RBF, baby."

That made her giggle, "Another round or a different game?"

"Let's go for one more. Then we'll see." You reply.

She nods, "Okay, let's do it."

You were praying this rain doesn't turn into a storm, because that meant a higher chance of power outage. "We're okay, my love." She seemed to have picked up on your nerves after a short while. "The rain seems to be becoming a drizzle."

You reminded yourself to take a few deep breaths while briefly shutting your eyes. Auli'i reminds you as well. You did just that and started to feel better after a couple of minutes. Auli'i took this time to quickly go light one of the candles you both loved. "How about we watch some TV after this game?"

"I would love that."

~~ - ~~

As a movie was playing in the background, you and Auli'i once again found yourselves in the kitchen, now deciding what to make for lunch. The rain had stopped and it was getting sunny outside again, so that helped in making you feel more energised.

"How about...we share a frittata, a salad and some hash browns?"

You gasp, "Ohhh, yum." 

You loved watching her cook, and she loved that you love watching her. She said it makes her feel appreciated. "Baby, can you grab four eggs for me, please?" She requested while grabbing a bowl from the overhead cabinet.

"Here." You stood beside her, holding two eggs in each hand as she told you 'thanks'.

"We have mushrooms, broccoli, carrots and chives." She listed.

"How's broccoli, mushroom and cheddar sound?"

"Nice." She grabs the veggies and then was back by the counter to prep them. You helped her get the bag of cheese and carton of heavy cream then put them on the countertop.

The hash browns were cooking in the airfryer, Auli'i was busy by the stove, while you were in charge of the salad and drinks. Okay, look. It's not that you couldn't cook or didn't know how to, you guys just tend to take turns making meals most of the time. And this time? It was her turn.

Before long, the house was filled with the delicious aroma of the food. "How ya doing over there?" She peeked over. "Deciding what drinks to make right now. The salad's all done."

"Ooh, okay. The frittata's done too. Just waiting on the hash browns for a couple more minutes."

"Damn, the food smells so good." You commented, going up to her from behind and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"It does. Thank you, my love."

~~ - ~~

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 23 July 2023

A/N: I'm now accepting requests, feel free to dm me or leave a comment! (No smuts)

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