a family of our own • requested

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"You're going?" Auli'i stretched out her arms sleepily as she rolled over onto her back.

"Yup, I have a callback in a couple hours." You nod, pecking her on the lips. "I'll be back before you know it."

She sulks, "It always feels like forever."

"I'll be back as soon as I can." You promised, "How about I pick us up some burgers from that place we like later?"

"I feel like having pasta tonight."

"Sure, pasta it is." You agreed, kissing her once more. Once you pulled away, she was yawning.

"A little sleepy, aren't ya?"

"Yeah, just a bit." She gives you a toothy grin, "See you later, my love."

"See you later, babe. I love you."

Soon after you leave for work, Auli'i falls back asleep. When she woke up, it was nearly 1pm. And that's when she decided to get out of bed and get her day started. She made herself something to eat but turned out to be absolutely revolted by the scrambled eggs, so she abandoned that and went for the next best option: A bagel with some blueberry jam.

She's been feeling exhausted for the past two weeks or so and naturally blamed it on being on set for stuff like voiceovers, commercials and photoshoots back-to-back. Perhaps it was the lack of proper downtime, but she just felt awful. So awful.

Her phone screen lit up with a notification and her eyes were momentarily fixated on the date.

"Oh, God." She gulped. Her heart rate picks up as she walks into the bathroom and pulls out a pregnancy test from the cupboard under the sink.

"How the hell did I not remember about this? I told you to not be so focused on work. Especially after you got the procedure done." She chided herself under her breath. Following the instructions on the box, she now sat on the closed toilet lid to wait.

— • —

"Oh, my God." She clutches that piece of plastic in her hand shakily as she retrieves her phone to give the clinic a call.

"You can come in now, we have an empty time-slot."

"Alright, I'm on my way." She answers, hanging up. Before grabbing whatever else she needed, she tries to calm herself down before she fully bursts into tears. Next, she double-checks if she's gotten any missed calls or texts from you.

'I'll be home by 7:30! Mwah❤️'

'See you in a few hours💗'

And so begins her drive to the clinic. She was seen pretty quickly since they did tell her they had a patient who canceled last minute, which explained the 'empty time-slot'.


"It was successful?" Auli'i could not believe it.

"Very much so. You and your wife are very lucky." The doctor smiled. Auli'i couldn't help but do the same as she feels the tears welling up in her eyes again. "Take it easy for the first trimester especially. I will see you every two weeks for an ultrasound, and I'll also be prescribing you with some vitamins."


"Right now, I'll also be able to let you have your first ultrasound."

"Sure." Auli'i was reduced to single-word replies. She was in absolute disbelief.

Returning home not more than two hours later, she was now planning how to break the news to you. Truthfully, her mind was all over the place. This was huge news.

"Oh my God, we still gotta tell my Mom and Dad. Our families and friends." She rambles, carefully placing the black-and-white photo onto the coffee table. It wasn't long before you were due to come home either, so she was extra nervous and excited.

"I should just tell her right? What else can I do?" She hums in thought.

She'd tucked the ultrasound picture into an envelope then into her robe while she sat in the living room watching reality TV. Just as the clock struck seven, you arrive home. "Hi, baby." You greet, walking over to give her a kiss on the head. Baby. That word was now playing on a loop in her head.

"Babe, come here." She asked.

"Okay." You complied, sitting down beside her.

"I got some news today." She began.

"Did you get the part in the movie you wanted to be in?"

"Even better." She tells you, reaching for the envelope hidden behind her robe. She hands it to you.

The first you got out from the envelope was a letter from the clinic, then the ultrasound that was sandwiched in between the folded paper, falls out. It clicked in your head immediately, triggering the waterworks. You locked lips with Auli'i, pulling her into the biggest hug next. "Oh, I love you so much." Breaking away from the embrace, she swipes your tears away with her thumbs. "I love you."

— • —

Her symptoms weren't too bad, but it was easy either. Coming towards the end of the first trimester, she was glad to be able to feel better. She was also looking forward to the upcoming appointment. The doctors informed that you two would be able to find out the gender if you guys would like to.

"I really do not have a preference." Auli'i says and you agree. "It's such a thing to say but as long as they're healthy, I don't care."

It's been a long few years of trying. And finally, it seemed to be happening. "Ladies, are we keen on finding out the gender?"

"Sure." The both of you responded in unison.

"Looks like the little one's a boy...and a girl."

"Wow." Auli'i remarked, your gazes locked. "Sorry, I'm emotional."

"That's completely normal with the hormones. Not to worry, and congrats again."

You and Auli'i left the doctor's office feeling like you were on cloud nine. But really, it was more of shock. Auli'i was still processing that piece of information and you could tell beneath the happiness and excitement.

"I've always wanted twins but I would've expected it to actually happen. I mean, we tried for what? Four years? None of the attempts were successful, but now? Damn."

"I have a feeling we'll be just fine, my love." You intertwined your hands as you walked to your car.

"Yes, we will."
— • —

Unedited. Published: Monday, 23 October 2023

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