the barista

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"What the hell was that?"


The front door slams and you flinch. She walks to where you were, standing opposite from you now. "You and that barista."

"What about that?"

"The guy was flirting with you and you were just laughing."

"Damn it, I was laughing because I was uncomfortable! I was waiting for my drink, I can't just leave after I've already paid almost nine bucks for it. I don't think that's fair considering I just wanted to treat myself after this damn tiring week I've had."

You decided to just not say anything else to escalate the whole situation, but instead, head to your room. You knew you were in a bad mood from all the stress this week so you chose to stay silent till you could get calmed down. Choosing a set of comfy clothes from your closet, you stepped into the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill up the bathtub. You set your clothes down on the counter, let your hair down and got out of your current outfit while you waited.

Right before you got into the tub, you put some bath salts in the water. Then, you carefully helped yourself into it, trying not to slip and fall. You were honestly dozing off when you heard footsteps approach. A little shocked, you woke up and saw it was Auli'i who'd just walked in. "I'm sorry." She sits down on the floor by the tub with you.

"It won't happen again. The next time anyone does that, I'll tell them to back the hell off."

"I still shouldn't have raised my voice at you." She says softly, "I promise I'll be more considerate. I'm sorry you had a tough week, my love. Is there anything I could do to help?"

"Just stay with me." A small smile slowly crept on your face, "Your response made sense, I-"

"I should've known better. There have been so many times I've laughed things off because I was uncomfortable." She insisted.

"Let's just- both talk things out nicely instead of this in the future. Promise?"

"Promise." She nodded, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek. "Can I join you?"

You chuckle, saying a 'yes'.


You two never go to bed angry, and you were relieved tonight was the same. Currently, the two of you were peacefully cuddling in bed and enjoying each other's company. Netflix was playing in the background, but you weren't even sure what was on anymore. "Do you wanna talk about your day?" She broke the silence.

"No, babe. Not today. I just want this right now." You look up at her, briefly lifting your head off her chest.

"Okay, my love. I got you." She assured as you snuggle closer.

You and Auli'i ended up having an early night and got an early start to your days the next morning. She made you breakfast in bed which absolutely made your heart melt. "Aw, thank you so much." You grinned. "You're so welcome." She responds, "You can get started, I'll go grab mine from the kitchen and join you in a minute."


After breakfast, the both of you went on a walk. Somehow, Auli'i brought you back to yesterday's cafe. She said she was going to get drinks before the two of you headed home, so you said okay and just waited at the back near the entrance. Why? The barista from yesterday was there. Well, it wasn't the first time he tried to chat you up and yesterday was the first time Auli'i saw what happened. He always made you uncomfortable but every time you came by, he was there. You only came by on specific days at a certain time so it seems that he had figured that out. Why didn't you go to a different place for coffee? Because this place was the only one with decent coffee around your area.

"Hi, welcome. What can I get for you today?"

"One Iced Matcha and one hot mocha. Both large."

"Can I get a name for your order?"

"Auli'i." She responded mindlessly. The barista didn't ask how to spell it, anyway.

"Would that be all?"

"One spinach and feta pastry and one vanilla muffin, too, thanks."

Once she made the payment, she waited at the side. She was watching to see if any of the tables of booths were available too. Before she knew it, you were walking up to her. "Hey, you." You said as you walked to her side. "There's a booth open in the back, you wanna sit for a bit?"

"Sure, baby. Why don't you sit down first? I'm just waiting for our order." Auli'i smiled at the sight of you, giving you a quick peck on the lips before you departed.

She was facing the counter so she could see the barista watching, and boy did it feel good to do that in front of him. "Order for Auli'i?" He clears his throat, wiping his hands on his apron. He looked defeated.

"Right here. Thanks, Henry." She picks up the tray with your drinks and food then headed over to the booth.

"He won't bother you again." Auli'i grins, "He saw the whole thing."

"He'd better not." You scoff, "He didn't sneeze on our food, did he?"

"Made sure he didn't. I was watching him like a hawk." Auli'i giggles, taking a bite of her pastry.

"Can I try a bite?" You asked her excitedly.

"Sure." She nodded, "Can I try yours?"

You told her to go ahead while you had a try of her food. "Oh, I think I'm gonna get that one next time too. That's good."

"So good, right?"


Unedited. Published: Sunday, 16 July 2023

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