that's wife • requested

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18+ only. Smut.

"Hey, I got your text. Is everything okay?" Auli'i asked once she got home. Expecting you to be in the living room, she was confused that you weren't. You could hear her ask you that from the bedroom where you were waiting for her. Let's just say you had a surprise for the birthday girl.

"Y/N? Where- oh." The bedroom door finally swung open and that look on her face changes, "Damn."

"You didn't think I'd forget about you birthday, did you?" You were laid on your side, hand on the side of your head propping it up. Wearing nothing but the lingerie set she loved on you.

"This is why you told me come straight home from work?"

"Would you wanna wait?" You exhaled, "I heard you in your sleep last night...did you know that?"

"No." She answers. She shuts the bedroom door, walking closer to you.

"That's what I thought. Come here."  You ordered, "And, take it all off as you're walking. You know the drill, safe word out and I'll stop immediately. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." You could see the frustration build up in her eyes as she peels each piece of clothing off herself and tossing it in the laundry hamper in the corner. After what you heard last night, of course she would be feeling this way. It's a amazing how she got through a whole day of work. "Lie down, babe." You instructed and she does so without a fuss. And you, were practically ogling at sight in front of you: her bare body, all yours to have. Eagerly, you laid down with her, your legs tangled together as you cupped her cheek and captured her lips in your own. And oh boy did it progress from sweet to obscenely sloppy within seconds.

"Uh, no. No, babe. Hands away from there." You break away from the kiss, seeing that she had her hand down at her cunt. Straddling her, you watched as she unwillingly followed your order. And it wasn't until you were satisfied with it that you resumed the contact, leaving her all the more hot and bothered. You had your hands coming down the side of her body and she squirms because of your rings. You chuckled, "You okay, baby?"

It was far from an innocent question and she knew it because why? You knew what she wanted but you weren't giving it to her. Besides, she knew she'd be punished if she said otherwise. You knew she was okay- just horny as fuck. Because she was so wet. Leaving a trail of kisses from her mouth down to her torso, she could not keep still. Or quiet. And you were loving it.

"Let me hear you, princess." Your breath was fanning against her most sensitive region right now causing her to let out a yelp.

"Okay." She nodded just as you looked up.

"Okay, what?" You asked while your hands were firmly on her hips, smoothly traveling back to her ass to squeeze it, "Say it."


"Say it, baby~" You purposely went lower as you spoke, trying to provoke another reaction out of her.

"Okay, Y/N." Just what you wanted to hear. Smirking you replied with, "Good girl." You slowly got closer to her cunt, your tongue beginning to lick circles around her clit. Your gaze was focus on her face, watching it contort and her biting her lip down to keep from moaning.

"Look at me." You said firmly, pushing your face deeper and sucking on it at a steady pace, "Look at me. And let me hear you- I already told you that. You wouldn't want to be cuffed, would you?"

Your warm breath so close to her quickly drew lewd out noises out of her just as you'd expected. You knew her like the back of your hand, "No, no. Please." "Okay, so?" You inched back a little, utilising your fingers to spread her open, gathering her wetness and dipping a finger inside her.

"Oh, shit." She exhales raggedly, right as you added on a second finger but keeping at the same, slow pace to draw out the whole process. You curled your fingers upward, poking them in her g-spot and a high-pitched moan successfully falls from her mouth. You repeated your action time and time again to hear that noise that sounded like music to your ears. Her hands were grabbing onto the pillow beneath her head, her breathing was heavy- you could see it: how her abdomen dipped inward exaggeratedly with each breath. Your mouth makes its way back to her clit while your fingers were hard at work, "Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, oh, my God."

"Don't move." You barely peeled away from her to speak, "Don't. Move." You grabbed her hip with your free hand to keep her from moving. She obliges. Auli'i doesn't say anything but you couldn't stay mad at that when those sweet, sweet little noises continually came out of her mouth. Her back arches as it pushes your face even deeper into her cunt - if that was even possible. Your tongue took the opportunity to dip into her entrance and just fucked her like this for awhile. As that was happening, you suddenly felt her hand in your hair, keeping your head where it was. Of course, you did something else. You detached yourself and told her to get on all fours. Which she did. Gladly. She needed to come and you knew you'd give that to her if she listened. "Body down, ass up." You ran a finger up towards her ass and it seemingly perked up automatically, anyway.

— • —

Grabbing both cheeks, your tongue got back to work, now determined to make her come solely with your mouth. You hadn't done it before, but you were confident enough that you could. "Fuck- that feels so fucking good, Y/N." She whimpers. Holy shit, did that make your knees buckle as you felt that ache between your thighs intensifying. So as her position's shifted to one where she was sitting on your face, you were practically playing with yourself so you could reach your own climax as well. With the help of gravity, you could hardly catch a break fucking her with your mouth. Not to mention she was practically filling it up so quickly. "Are you close, honey?"

Hah, you knew she was.

"Yes. I-" Before she could finish her sentence, you picked up your pace and her body answers your question. Quite literally shaking as she climaxed, you don't slow down but went faster as you flipped her over, holding her thighs open. She was soaking the sheets, crying your name and having a look on her face that you just loved so damn much. When you broke away from her to watch your work, you could see that her orgasm was so intense that her clit was throbbing.

"You alright, baby?" You crawled up to meet her face and kissed her passionately, cupping her cheek. Not a word came from her, and understandably so. But she nodded. "You wanna go again?" You asked, licking your lips as you observed her face. Your eyes traveled downward to admire her dripping cunt as she gave you her agreement. Instantly, you dove back in. "Ah, shit!" Her back arches and toes curled as she easily came again. And again. Except this time, it was different. You feel it happen and back away, pumping your fingers in and out at a leisurely pace while your thumb pressed down on her sensitive bundle of nerves.

"So hot, baby." You grinned, "Can you sit up for me, princess?" Once she calms down, she does. She was a little shaky, still but she did it.

"Wouldn't you say it's fair that it's my turn now, hm?" You sat opposite her, legs crossed as your pressed your foreheads together.

"Mm, yeah."She smiled giddily.

"Okay, I'm ready, baby." You nodded with a smirk, tossing her a water bottle from the nightstand, "But I'm gonna give you a minute."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Monday, 11 March 2024

First time writing a dom reader one shot (w the help of my best friend- thanks Jojo hehe <3) also, requests are still open! Do leave a vote if you enjoyed this one- see yall in the next oneshot🫣 p.s. I was listening to that song at the top and thought it'd make a good title, but it didn't exactly fit the vibe, did it😂

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