see you [3] • requested

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Two weeks ago, Auli'i sent you a text that you thought was a total joke.

'Hey, if I ever come to Amsterdam, will you show me around?'

You sent a voice message back saying, 'Yeah, why not?'

As if she'd fly all the way here, just because. Then, your conversations went back to the usual things- just about your days and whatever else silly little things you could think of. The topic of Auli'i coming to Amsterdam died down quickly.

Then the next week, on a Thursday night, she calls you out of nowhere. No warning whatsoever.

"Hey, girl." You could hear that she was smiling.

"Hey, what's going on? You never just call me like that."

"Well- I am officially in Amsterdam."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I'm in Amsterdam. Will I be seeing you tomorrow or what?" She chuckles.

"No way, really?!" You squealed, dropping your backpack as you helped yourself onto a chair.

"I'll video call you so you can see for yourself."

"No, no that's not what I meant." You laughed, "I just- cannot believe you're actually here. I'll show you around tomorrow?"

"After school?" She asks.

"I don't have class tomorrow." You let her know, "Or I could send you my school's address and you can come find me later."

You shoot your shot, completely not expecting what comes out from her mouth next.

"Ah, sure babe."

Your hand goes weak for a second as your phone nearly falls to the ground. "Awesome, I'll send it to ya after this."

Turns out, she was no more than three hours away from where you were. So, she said she would see you at your school.

You could not believe you were actually seeing her again. And this time, you would be spending more than just a couple of minutes with her. It was insane to think about.

Sitting in your last class for the day, you were excitedly watching the minutes tick by on the wall clock.

As usual, when you were way too excited about something, the time just passes way too slowly for your liking.

— • —

When the final bell rang, you got your phone out from your pocket and texted Auli'i that you were making your way out to where she was waiting.


Her reply came almost instantly, just as you were about to lock your phone screen. You were now standing the school courtyard, amidst the sea of students, trying to see if you could spot her from where you stood. You couldn't, so you hurried closer to the exit, then you were outside your school. There were so many students entering at exiting the place since some were either dismissed or just starting their school day.

You were just about to panic when you decided to just call her.

"Hey, I can't see you. It's really crowded."

"Cross the street. I just moved to wait at the park since there were suddenly so many students. I'm wearing a yellow cap."

"Oh! Okay, see you in a minute."

You made your way across the street and to the park near your school. And almost immediately, you spot someone wearing a yellow cap scrolling through their phone. You jog up to the person just as they looked up, so you locked eyes. "Y/N!" Her eyes lit up.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now