everybody wants you [1] • requested

426 14 12

Auli'i watched you from her desk at the back of the classroom. You were fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat as a guy who'd just tried to ask you out walks away, laughing with his friends.

It wasn't the first time and it wasn't going to be the last. This made Auli'i extremely angry. She's seen practically half the boys in school ask you out, and you'd reject them. But, they still kept coming. Like clockwork. Thankfully, the rest of the classes went by uneventfully. Allowing you to catch a breather from all the unwanted attention. You grabbed your tray of food and headed to a quiet table outside, far from the cafeteria. Not even halfway through your egg salad sandwich, you hear a voice ask you something, pulling you out of your trance.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Auli'i smiled sheepishly, "Is it okay if I join you?"

You nodded without saying a word, you couldn't care less if she was here to try and ask you out as well. You've had it.

"Thanks." She answers softly. She leaves the spot right next to you, empty. But instead sat on the next seat after the empty one by you. The table had three sets of two seats around it.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm used to it."

"That doesn't make it okay." You could feel her eyes on you, but you desperately averted your gaze and focused on the partially eaten sandwich on a paper plate in front of you.

"I know that." You answered after some silence.

"Did you talk to a teacher about this"

"What do you think? I tried, but they watch it happen anyway."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't." You snapped. It unintentionally comes out a little too harsh than you hoped. You exhale sharply, "What I mean is, you're the only one who treats me like a human being. The guys and some girls treat me like an object that they can't wait to get into bed."

"I hate being a woman." She remarked, you glance at her for a moment. Then, you decide to carry on eating. Seeing that it was peaceful now. "I know what you're going through all too well." She said, poking at the unappetizing pasta on her plate— seriously, the bolognese sauce was so watered down, it looked like ketchup stirred into the Penne.

"You've stood up for me before- multiple times. So, thanks."

"Don't even mention it. I'm not one to just stand there and watch someone be in trouble."

— • —

"Hey, Y/N!" A guy hollers obnoxiously.

Wait a second, you knew that voice. You drop your sandwich back onto the plate and you swallowed thickly. When he appeared a mere three feet in front of you, that's when it hit you. He was one of the guy's friends from earlier- he was the one everyone feared.

"What, Damon?" You tried to sound as nonchalant as you could, swallowing the quiver.

"You rejected my brother."

"Because I'm not looking to date."

"Oh, yeah? You think playing hard to get's gonna work?"

"You don't own me-" You started, and with him literally staring daggers into your soul, your heart rate picks up. You feel your heart pounding against your chest aggressively.

"Okay, that's it. I've had it up to here seeing all of you treating her like an object you can bribe, or threaten into bed." Auli'i shot up from her seat, "None of you even know her well enough to be asking her out. And with the way you guys have been asking her? It's a no-brainer why she'd rejected you all. All of you just have one goal in mind."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now