vacation sweethearts [1] • requested

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Officially checked off your travel bucket list. You'd been planning and looking forward to this trip for years and years. You had a full fledged itinerary that very soon went out the window one fateful night at this little club.

"Y/N? Very nice to meet you." Auli'i flashes you a smile, "These are my friends, "Lauren, Peyton and Zach."

"Likewise." You mirrored her smile, "This is Jake, and that guy by the bar's Cameron."

You've been here three days, having met Auli'i and her friends on your first night here, you've all practically been spending most of your time together. She was so easy to talk to, you simply forgot that you'd actually just met. "Noooo, they pushed your face into the cake?!" Auli'i gasps, shocked.

"I was six. She ruined a perfectly good cake. Needless to say, I did not have a happy birthday."

"That's a tradition I will never get behind." She sighs, swirling the white wine in her glass then taking a sip.

"Y/N, come dance with us!" You hear Cameron vaguely calling for you from the dance floor. You declined, being more interested in talking to Auli'i. "Suit yourself, honey." He shrugs.

"That year pretty much ruined all other birthdays for me. They didn't stop doing that until I got the guts and said not to do it anymore. I was thirteen by then."

"When's your birthday?" She asks, curious.

"How 'bout you take a guess?" You took a sip of your red wine as you spoke.

"No clues for me, huh?" She chuckles. "Um, January?"

"You're getting colder." You answered in a singsongy tone.


You shook your head no.

"March!" She exclaimed. You nodded, "Yup. March 3rd."

"That's tomorrow!" Her eyes widened for a second.

"And I think I'll be able to avoid the cake-in-my-face situation this year, thank god." You shrug, "How about you? When's yours?"

"Your turn to guess, Y/N." She grins, taking a glance at your friends.

You looked at her for a quick second. Do you tell her the truth? That you knew who she was so you therefore knew her birthday? Or...pretend you didn't know who she was and just spew out some random dates?

"Uh- hm, May..."

Her face contorts into a weird expression, making you laugh. "No?"

"August 8th?"

"Nope." She giggles, "Later."

"How much later are we talking about?"

"You're pretty warm." She shrugs, a smirk on her face.

"Okay...uh...September ish...?"

She laughs even harder, "Warmer."

"October? No? Well- you're not a Christmas baby, right?"

"I am not." She was having hell of a good time just hearing you talk. About something totally random, no less.

"November? November! I'm right." You read the expression on her face and gasped, "Which day?!"


"Okay." You nod with a chuckle, "I'm gonna get another drink. You want one more?"

"Sure." She calls the bartender over and got another round of drinks for the two of you.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now