look at me • requested

430 10 7

18+ only. Smut.

This day started out as your typical Saturday: you woke up at 8a.m. and was out the door in 30 minutes for your usual jog after a light breakfast. Well, it was your birthday. But you never did anything 'special' it. Not in several years. Besides, it wasn't a 'milestone birthday' anyway. Despite all of that, Auli'i would usually be celebrating with you every year- no matter where she may be. This time, however, she was fast asleep beside you when you'd already woken up. "Nothing unusual, she sleeps in on weekends." You shrugged it off and went about your morning routine.

After your jog, you stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff for around the house. There, you ran into a friend of yours, "Y/N! Hey, happy birthday."

"Thanks, Ro." You smiled.

"Thought you'd be out with Auli'i all day."

"Ah. She's had a long few days- she's sleeping in." You answered.

"Have a good day, okay? I've got to take my Mom to a doctor's appointment today otherwise I'd so take you out for some drinks or lunch."

"I'll catch up with you soon. Take care, Ro." She gives you a hug and off she went. You headed home after a quick stop at a coffeehouse nearby, wanting a little treat for yourself. "Y/N! We were hoping I'd see you today." You pushed the glass door open and stepped inside, the tinkling of the bell above it signalling your arrival to the baristas.

"Morning, Casey." You gave the girl a wave. You always saw her here whenever you visited this place. Casey also knew your order by heart very quickly, so that was pretty amazing. Okay- it wasn't that your order was complicated, but it was the fact that it's a nice gesture.

"Your usual, or something different today, birthday girl?"

"You know it's my birthday?" You asked, taken aback.

"Sure do." Casey nodded.

"I'll take a mango coconut smoothie today." You reply.

"Pick a cake slice or something." A guy chimed in- Zach. Yeah, that's his name.


"Come on, you're a loyal customer." He says.

"It's on us. Okay? Birthday girl deserves a little treat, don't you think?" Casey insisted.

"Okay, okay. You guys pick one and surprise me." You gave in, waiting for your drink and cake in a quiet corner.

— • —

You returned home to Auli'i sitting in the kitchen, drinking a mugful of tea. "Hey, g'morning."

"Morning, baby." Her eyes lit up at the sight of you, the sleepiness still evident. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." You went over and gave her a smooch on the cheek, "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, but the scene last night was pretty heavy so I'm still feeling a little out of it."

"You need anything?"

"Oh, no, no. It's your birthday, babe."

"I'm gonna go take a shower, okay?" You gave her hand a squeeze. She nodded silently before you trudged upstairs. Not gonna lie, it stung a little hearing that she's so cold, but you tried your best not to think too deeply into it. She was tired. You heard her- loud and clear. You also knew very well that she needs to recharge on her own time, that you respected.

Standing under the cozy, warm water, you'd shut your eyes letting your mind run for a little while. The pitter patter of water droplets hitting the floor and feeling of the warm water running through your fingers lulled you into a trance of sorts, allowing you to fully relax. Ran a little too wild, let's just say this. Pretty soon, you were yearning Auli'i's touch, and her being in the shower with you. You shook your head, as if to get rid of those thoughts. But of course, that didn't last for long.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now