Safe & sound*

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AJ sat in her last class of the day, watching the time on the clock impatiently as she completed the given worksheet on her desk. She was waiting for the bell to ring so she could go over to your place and see you. You were absent today on account of you being sick— which you did tell AJ about, and she was being worried about you as usual. Which was cute, and sweet of her but you were okay. Well- you would be. Just maybe not right now. Anyway, AJ makes it through the last class, finishing the assignment with a bit of time to spare. Once the bell rang, she turned the assignment in and she was off. Dumping the books she didn't need into her locker, she hears Gabi call her name. "Oh. Hey, what's up?"

"You said y/n was sick? You're definitely going to see her, aren't you? Do you want a ride to her place? I can drop you off."

"Sure, if you don't mind." AJ zips up her bag and shut her locker, slinging the backpack strap over her shoulder.

"No problem, Chantal has a club thing so I don't have any plans." Gabi shrugs, walking beside her sister. AJ got into the front passenger seat of Gabi's car, hearing that Gabi's unlocked it.

"Are you planning on staying over?"

"I might. It's Friday. Plus, Dad's out of town and Mom's working late." AJ shrugs, a small sigh falls from her lips.

"Beats being home alone and not having a clue what to do." Gabi laughs.

AJ chuckles, "I'm willing to bet that there's a party you can go to tonight. You just gotta find one."

"That's true."

It was a thirty minute drive to yours, but they were in comfortable silence, so the drive to your place felt pretty quick. "Okay, you two have fun. Tell y/n I said hi and I hope she feels better soon."

"Thanks, Gabi. I'll see you tomorrow. Or maybe tonight- it depends."

"Alright." Gabi chuckles, "Bye, AJ."

She walks up to your house and up onto the porch then rang the doorbell. You heard it, but it takes you awhile to get off the couch and to the door to open it. "Who is it?" You asked.

""It's me." Your ears perked up at AJ's voice. Quickly, you opened the door. "Hi." She smiles the moment her gaze lands on you, causing you to mirror her smile. "Come in." You said.

"Feeling any better?" She asked quietly, noting that the curtains were drawn.

"Not too bad. It's just a cold, but I also have a migraine that led up to this so that's the real kicker." You laughed wryly, plopping down onto the couch once again. She follows suit.

"Are you home alone?"

"Of course. My Mom definitely wasn't going to stay home to look after her 17-year old who only has a cold." You grumbled jokingly. She snorted, "Good to hear ya joke."

"Eh, kinda wish she cared a little more sometimes but that's another thing for another day." You slowly laid back down.

"Do you want to go lay down in your room instead? Wouldn't that be more comfortable?" She asks, concerned.

"I'm way closer to the kitchen this way if I want water, or juice or whatever." You disagreed, "Plus, I get the TV."

"That's a good point." She runs a hand through your slightly tangled hair, "Want me to do your hair?" She knew you liked it when she does, and she loved trying out different hairstyles on you from time to time- though she never really admitted to it.

"Sounds nice." You agreed and she got up to go find a hairbrush and a couple of hair ties. And so, while you asked her about her day, she got to tying your hair into two french braids.


"What'd you do today?"

"Uh, well- I read a little bit. Then the migraine nearly had me spew my breakfast everywhere- Mom wasn't very thrilled about the close call." You began, "Speaking of, I'm on day two of this episode. And I'm hoping it goes away tomorrow because this cold is giving me enough aches and pains as it is."

"Pobrecita." She sulks, cupping your cheek and caressing it with her thumb, "But it is the weekend so you don't have to worry about classes and stuff."

A slight smile tugs at the corner of your lips, "Yeah...oh, right- was there any homework today?"

"Just one worksheet for biology. Worry about that later." She raised a brow, "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, baby?"

"You being here and keeping me company is enough" You told her, "And you already did my hair for me."

"You look cute." She grins.

"I look like crap." You nudged her playfully, sniffling because of your runny nose.

"You still look cute." She disagrees, "I would totally kiss you, but then you'd have to deal with me having the cold next. And believe me, given how much Chantal is over at our house doing God-knows-what? Gabi will kill me for being sick."

"But- oh. Okay."


"I meeeean. It's not like we're any better." You stifle a laugh.

"They don't need to know that." She laughs, a hand falling onto your thigh.

"Don't tempt me." You joked.

"Definitely not right now." She looks at you, "Uh-uh. You're sick."

"That I am."

"Did you eat anything for lunch?" AJ asks.

"Uh...I had a cup of soup and some crackers?"

" think that's enough? Are you still hungry? Did you drink any water?" She asks, a look of concern on her face.

"I have a tumbler I just filled up right there." You pointed to it on the coffee table.


"I just- don't have much of an appetite right now, especially with the migraine making me feel extra gross and on the edge about maybe needing to y'know-"

"I know, baby. I know."

She guided you to lie down and your head ends up on her lap. You unintentionally groaned, having to shift your body around. AJ knew exactly what to do- she places her palm onto your stomach, the warmth bringing you some comfort. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" She asks, her hand rubbing small circles on your abdomen under your shirt. "I'm more than happy to take care of you. All that matters right now is that you're safe and sound." Her eyes met yours briefly before focusing on the TV again. You do the same, diverting your attention from the ache in your stomach— and pretty much your whole body, to Fran shoving C.C. into a coat closet to hide from an investor for her boss' play.

"This show is comedy gold." AJ chuckles.

"Whatever happened to multi-cam shows anyway? They were so good." You mumbled, admittedly coaxed to sleep by the comforting warmth of her hand.

"Oh, I know, right?" She says, looking down at you for a moment, "Are you comfortable?"

"Mhm, very." You smiled.

She mirrors your smile, "Tell me if you need anything later."

"Thanks for being here with me."

"Of course, baby."

Every time you were with AJ, you just knew you'd be safe and sound. You two had silly arguments sometimes, but always worked it out. She was your safe space, your person. Just like you were hers.

"I love you." You said.

"Aw, I love you too."


Unedited. Originally published: 26 March 2024, Tumblr

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