mood ring colored eyes • requested

263 11 4

You were seated opposite the most gorgeous girl you'd ever seen and wondering just how on earth you managed to get here. It was literally such an intense feeling- the moment you saw her, it felt like you were in your own little world. You were only focused on her. And look, now she was laughing at your jokes and not faking it. You just see it in her eyes, how it changes with her mood.

But wait...let's go back to the beginning because...well, why not right?

You were walking to your car after doing some grocery shopping to restock your stuff when you noticed a cat walking on the pavement quite literally with you. The further you walked, the closer it got to you, as if it didn't want to lose you. Like it was following you. Since your hands weren't free due the fact that you were carrying bags of groceries, you quickly put them all in your trunk then squat down to see if the cat had a collar. It did, and thank god there was a number on it you could call. You picked him up, noticing the name 'Rocco' on the flip side of the tag as you sat in the driver's seat, phone pressed to your ear.

"Hello? Who is this?" A lady picks up, sounding pretty frantic. You sure as hell knew why.

"I uh, found your cat?"

"Oh, my gosh. Thank God!" She heaves a sigh of relief, "Where are you?"

She proceeded to tell you where her neighborhood was. "Oh, actually I'm not too far from there." You realised, "I'm on my way now."

"Oh! Okay. Oh, my god. Thank you."

Obviously you weren't going to tell a stranger where you lived, but she lives barely ten minutes away from you. You let Rocco join you in the front passenger seat on your drive back to your apartment. But of course, you made a stop at the one a couple blocks away from yours to return the cat.

— • —

"Thank you. Honestly- I was bringing in new furniture that i bought and he must've got out when I left the door open a little too long."

"Don't worry about it."

"What's your name?"


"Y/N. I'm Auli'i, hi." She smiled, sticking out her hand. You shook it, properly looking her eyes as you greeted her back.

"Seriously, how can I repay you for this favour?"

"I don't need anything, it was no trouble, really." You told her while putting your hair up with a claw clip since the wind decided to mess it up and and get it all up in your face, seemingly. "But,"

She looks at you hopefully. 

"How about a dinner?"

"Dinner? Sure!" She nodded eagerly with cutest freaking smile on her face. It made you feel things. You loved it- it brought a smile to your face. "D'you wanna exchange numbers? So we can figure out where we're going and stuff."

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Here, put your number in and I'll give you a call so you can save my number too." You took your phone out from your pocket and gave it to her. After that, you bid her goodbye and were on your way home. After unpacking the groceries, you check your phone and see that she's texted you about the dinner plan, asking you where you felt like going followed by a few suggestions. You were familiar with all of them since they'd been around awhile and you've lived in this area a long time, but one was quite new and you hadn't been there before so you decided on that one and asked if she was okay with it.

A few minutes later, you get a response, 'Ooh, I haven't tried that place out too. How's Saturday? 7:30?'

'Perfect. See you then.' 

It was Wednesday, so you had a few days to go before the said, dinner date. So, you had a few days to prepare yourself before going to dinner with that pretty girl. You immediately noticed how nervous you actually were in her presence, but tried to shove that done and keep it cool. It wasn't gonna do you any good to be stumbling over your words, after all. And, you didn't even know if she was available. Eventually, it was Saturday morning, so that meant you were spending the day getting ready for tonight- mainly going through your wardrobe to look for a suitable outfit that you looked and felt good in.

'Gosh, Y/N. Stop stressing yourself out over a dinner. It's not that big a deal.'

— • —

You two agreed to meet at the restaurant so you drove yourself there. Luckily, you managed to get a parking spot nearby even though it was a busy period due to the fact that it was dinnertime. Getting out of your car and locking the doors, you begin your walk to the restaurant. From the corner of your eye, you saw someone and abruptly turned around to look, thinking it was someone up to no good. "Oh, it's just-"

"Hey!" Auli'i, thank goodness it was just her. 

"Hey." You gave her a wave as you walked a little faster to be walking with you. 

You chatted on the short walk to your destination and it was great- you had so much to talk about and it did not feel awkward at all so you were hoping that it stayed that way. "No wayyy. What?"

"It was crazy. The fucking woman just literally went crazy and threw that damn soup at me."

"Please tell me you quit, because that is just-"

"Oh, yeah. I did. I don't work there anymore- finally got a way better job like, three years ago. That customer was the worst one I've ever served in my two years on that job."

"I'll say." Auli'i scoffs, "Isn't that literally assault?"

"I dunno. Didn't bother to do anything about it because I was so done with the place by then." You laughed.

"Lucky me- I work at a boba place in between acting jobs, worst thing I had to deal with was that one cup was not enough to fit one drink and all the toppings a customer wanted for it."

"Oh, God." You laughed, "They might as well just eat it with a spoon."

"They did." She almost spit out her drink, "Okay, this lasagna is so good. You gotta try it." 

"Alright." You shrug, getting a bit of it to try. She offered. And it did look delicious, you weren't gonna say no to that. "You wanna try this?"

"Ooh- sure." 

You were seated opposite the most gorgeous girl you'd ever seen and wondering just how on earth you managed to get here. It was literally such an intense feeling- the moment you saw her, it felt like you were in your own little world. You were only focused on her. And look, now she was laughing at your jokes and not faking it. You just see it in her eyes, how it changes with her mood. She made you feel important - it has been a long time since you felt this way, on a date especially. Guys usually use dinner as an excuse and cannot wait to get it over with and proceed to the after.

After dinner, you and Auli'i went your separate ways. But not before a cute little goodbye outside the restaurant. "Can I be honest? I have not laughed this hard in a long, long, time. So- thank you, for that. And tonight."

"Well, you're very welcome." She smiled slightly, gazing right into your eyes, "But uh, I promised you a dinner and you paid for it, so I still owe you one." 

"I wouldn't be opposed to seeing you again." You inched a teensy bit closer to her.

You could see the blush in her cheeks forming, right as she turned away from you. Then she turned back to face you, "Okay." She could hardly fight that grin on her face and neither can you. 

"I'll text you." She smoothly pulls you in by the waist till she was really just an inch away from your face. "See you again soon, Y/N." She pecks you on the lips but it somehow got a little...heated. You were shocked, but deep down, you were dreaming about something like this happening.

The two of you break away with a soft smack, and you said, "G'night, Auli'i."

"Sweet dreams, Y/N." She gives you another peck and a squeeze on the hand before she departs. 

— • —

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 10 March 2024

I'm pretty sure the spacing for this chapter's weird because I decided to write it on my laptop, but okay- it doesn't really matter haha.

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