see you [2] • requested

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Ever since she dropped you that DM, you and Auli'i have been texting pretty often- probably five days out of seven. It very quickly became part of your routine to even just send her a text asking how her day was. She would do the same, too. It was a simple thing but you could tell you both appreciated it.

'Hey, Y/N!! It's me again- how was your day?'

The fact that you could hear her say that made you chuckle as you tapped onto the notification.

'Hey! Busy day at work, but I'm finally home and you texted me. So, I'm happy. Hehe.'

'Aww🙂 would you be comfortable with a video call every now and then? We've been texting awhile.'

Admittedly, you froze once you read that text. She wanted to video call you? Not just once but sometimes? "Okay, okay. Get it together, Y/N. You two are friends. Just tell her 'yes'. What do you have to lose?" You mumble to yourself as you grabbed your phone again.

'Haha, sure!👍🏼'

— • —

The next day was Saturday for you so you'd agreed on a time where she could either call you, or you'd call her— there was a timezone difference to work with. Again, the nerves made their comeback as you grumbled to yourself. Sighing, you flipped your laptop screen open and went over to Instagram on your browser- that's where you've talking to her on. Not that you were complaining, but deep down inside of you, you knew you were fighting your feelings for her, now that you two actually had at least an acquaintanceship going.

Hovering over the video call button, you take a deep breath— or two, before clicking on it. The tone chimes for a bit, but she picks up. You see her face, on the screen of your laptop. You don't know what sort of Internet connection she was on because her video was crystal clear. You were pretty sure yours was a little blurry at least but you couldn't care less.

"Oh, my God. Hi!" She grins, waving at you energetically.

"Hey, you." You chuckled, waving back.

"It's 10am here, so it's...7pm there? Right?"

"Oh. Yeah, it's 7pm here." You confirmed.

"Did you have your dinner yet?" She asks, crossing her legs.

"Yep, went out to dinner with my family, came back and showered then now I'm video-calling you." You reply, "I'm assuming it's an off day for you?"

"Yeah, I just sent in a self-tape right before this. But other than that, nothing else on my agenda for the day." Auli'i shrugs.

"Right, otherwise you would've slept early in the morning and wake up past noon." You joked. She gasps dramatically, "Y/N!"

"I'm joking, I'm joking." You laughed.

"We've been talking for what, four, five months now?" She asks, ending that question with a chuckle. "I can't believe we didn't think to video call sooner."


"Anyway, how's it going learning Hawaiian?"

"Ah, a little tricky but once I really get to know and remember the grammar, it's been getting easier."

"I think it's so great you're learning Hawaiian."

"I get that it's a really important language. Honestly, Moana got me seriously interested in learning about Polynesian culture."

"I am so glad to hear that. Thank you for being so supportive, Y/N." She smiles again. You couldn't help but feel yourself doing the same.

"Well, watching your career grow has made me so happy and proud." You tell her.

"Aww." She cooed.

"I can't wait to see what's next." You said back.

"Oh, it's definitely coming." She reveals.

"Oh- wow." You gulped, not expecting that at all.

"That aside, I just finished the show I was watching so I need another to start. Any suggestions?"

"What genre do you like?" You ask, taking a sip of water.

"Oh, I love watching anything."

"Uh...Superstore, Rizzoli & Isles, Young Sheldon?" You began to list a few shows you'd watched.

"Ooh, I'll be adding Young Sheldon to my watch list." She gasped, "I've watched Rizzoli & Isles, Superstore as well. But I have not watched Young Sheldon."

"It's pretty interesting- I think you'll enjoy it. Have you watched The Big Bang Theory yet?"

"I never got around to finishing it. Twelve seasons."

"Yeah, it's a lot. But right now, I don't even remember when the last time I saw a show with 22-episode seasons."

"Right?! Nothing beats those."

— • —

"Hey, I've got school tomorrow so I gotta go, Auli'i."

"Oh, of course!" Her eyes widened when she checked the time and saw that it was now 11:30 at night. For you, at least. "Good night, Y/N."

"Have a great rest of your day, Auli'i." You smiled, trying your best not to yawn.

"Thank you, honey." She returned the smile, which of course, made your heart melt.

With that being said, she clicked off and you went to get ready for bed. "Honey?!" You whispered to no one in particular, "Oh my God?"

And the next morning, you woke up to a good morning text from her. It made you feel a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, but you were so happy to get that text. You texted her back, as soon as you could.

'Aw, thank you<333'

She read it immediately. You didn't see it because you were changing out of your pyjamas and you had just left your phone with its screen on, on your bed.

Once you realised you'd technically left her on read, you replied to her immediately.

'Sorry, left my screen on while I went to change clothes!!🥲'

'Hahah. Don't worry about it! Have good day at school😉'

'I will! Thank you. You as well;)'

"Wait- it's past midnight where she is..." You were hit with that realisation once you sent her that text.

'Oh, I will have the best sleep of my life, Y/N. Talk to you again soon🥰'


'Sweet dreams😗'

"Oh...Y/N. What is that emoji?" You gulp, regretting your choice of emoji.

'Adore you🥰🥰'

"Oh, you will be the death of me, Auli'i." You muttered under your breath as you grab your backpack and headed out the door.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 18 October 2023

One final part to this request will be up after this:) in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a vote if you did, and feel free to send any requests my way!

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now