a quiet late night

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Auli'i returns home from a day of interviews to see you still in the same state you were this morning. Actually, last night. "You feel any better, baby?" She crouches down beside you and combed a hand though your hair.

You shrugged without saying anything.

Yep, it was that time of the month. For you, that meant intense symptoms- thanks to your endometriosis. So, you've been couch-ridden for most of your day while she was at work. Nothing new. You were just lucky you didn't throw up today. Surprise, surprise, you went for the surgery to remove any lesions but you were still in as much pain as you were before.

"Did you eat anything?"

Again, no words, you just nodded. "Good." She pecks you on the cheek, "You need anything?"

"For this to be over." You scoffed, forcing yourself to get off the couch to have a drink of water.

When you needed to rant, she always lets you, while she listens. And vice versa. You knew you would be okay, but being in constant pain made you a little irritable. "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna take a quick shower and change, okay?"

"Okay." You said back while helping yourself onto the barstool, where you sat for the time being.

You saw her walking back outside about 20 minutes later. By then, the TV was on and you were watching reruns of The Nanny. "Hi, baby." She snuggles with you and gives you another sweet kiss on the side of your head. "How was your day?" You ask, keeping your eyes focused on the TV to distract yourself from discomfort.

"Most of the interviews were great, a couple of them were a bit too much- brought up a few things I wasn't even there to discuss in the first place. They totally went off the list of questions they sent to my team."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Ah, I told them I was gonna leave and I did." She shrugs, "So glad I'm in the position right now where I'm able to say no."

You were in her embrace, you two chatted about any little thing either of you could think of...that's pretty much how the rest of your night went. "It's getting late...are you hungry?"

"Shit, I didn't even realise how much time had passed." You stared at the clock on the wall. 12:33a.m..

"How about some instant noodles?"

"Oh, that sounds delicious right now." Once again, you made yourself get up and move about. She was already in the kitchen, opening up the cabinet to choose her flavour of instant noodles.

"Babe, you can just sit down, y'know?"

"I know, I just wanted to walk a little." You chuckled, opening up a different cabinet— the medicine cabinet. "I surrender. I want some sleep tonight."

She nodded, "If you need it, take it. Do you feel nauseous?"

"Not so much this time, no." You sigh, relieved as you poured yourself a new cup of water to down your painkiller.

"That's good." She rubs your back comfortingly.

The show was still playing behind you. Although...you'd shifted to streaming service to watch the rest of it since the reruns on TV had ended. Despite feeling unwell, you were still in rather good spirits. Having Auli'i by your side definitely helped. You certainly appreciated late night conversations and stuff like that with her. It was just really comforting.

"Ugh, such a good show. I forgot how addictive it is to be binge-watching this." She remarked, pulling you closer to herself carefully. You lean your head on hers for a moment, smiling contently.

Eventually, she helps you get upstairs to your shared bedroom where you both brushed your teeth and quickly got cozy under the covers. The lights were dimmed to a warm yellow and literally lulled you to sleep. Being snuggled against Auli'i was a plus— not to mention her giving in to your request and sung you to sleep.

"Good night, my sweet girl. You'll be just fine."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Monday, 13 November 2023

Here's a short little drabble— it's my shortest part so far🥲 I didn't think it was that good so I didn't want to publish it at first. But, why let it go to waste?🫢

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