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Instagram Story, 14min ago

Auli'i was filming today, but you were going to see her earlier than she'd expected because you have decided to drop by the 'Crush' movie set to visit

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Auli'i was filming today, but you were going to see her earlier than she'd expected because you have decided to drop by the 'Crush' movie set to visit.

You've started you day awhile after she'd left for work and now, it's almost 10a.m., and you're debating whether to make her tuna poke or Spam musubi. She loved either of those, you know it for sure, but now you were stuck— since you had the ingredients for both, that is.

Sighing, you grab the first ingredient your eyes landed on since you walked into the kitchen: the can of Spam Lite that was in the cabinet.

'Spam Musubi it is.'

You boil some water to make tea while beginning to prepare the food. Next, you washed and cooked the rice and got the seaweed out on the countertop.

~~ • ~~

Getting past the security post, you park in the guest lot. Gathering all the items you needed: your phone, visitor's pass, wallet and the food.

The cast and crew have just broke off for lunch, right when you stepped sat down on one of the bleachers furthest away from the busy working area. You see Auli'i from where you were sitting, staring in the distance while the director was talking to her and her co-star. 'Auli'i. Pay attention...' You read the lips of the director(to the best of your ability).

She turns to face the director and you see her face: her eyes were bloodshot, and teary. It instantly made you worried- did she do a crying scene? Did she actually cry? Or did she throw up?

She walks away from the cast and crew, grabbing her water bottle from the bleacher. Then, she spots you and she couldn't her eyes. She practically sprints to you and envelopes you in the tightest hug.

"Hey." You rub her back, "Are you alright?"

"I don't wanna talk about it now, Y/N." Auli'i pulls away from the hug, shaking her head.

"Okay. That's okay. I made you lunch." You wipe the tear away, taking her by the hand and leading her to sit down.

"Spam Musubi." You hand her one, "And don't worry, I didn't put any mayo."

"Aw." She chuckles, "Thanks." You hand her a pack of tissues just in case, while watching her eat. "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"I am." You smile slightly, grabbing a piece as well, joining her.

"I'll tell you about what happened at home. I just want to get this day over with then go home and be with you."

"Okay, yeah. I get that." You nod, "Sure."

"Girl, I'm sorry." Teala came over, speaking to Auli'i. Then, she looks over at you, "Hi, Y/N."

"I'll get over it. But it's hard. working in this environment. And look at what movie we're making? The fucking irony." The suddenly expletive startles you, and you jump a little but tried to play it off. After lunch, you hung around for a bit and noticed the tension between Auli'i and the co-star that the director was talking to. Especially once the co-star saw you. She had a strange look on her face as quickly turned away from you and ran off.

Auli'i was on her way to wardrobe for an outfit change when you decided to leave. So, you bid her goodbye, gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed for your car.

~~ • ~~

"Y/N, I'm home." You hear her voice coming from the living room. You hurry to the living room, "Hi." You pecked her on the lips.

"I'll go shower, and then I'll talk to you about what happened earlier."

You cup her cheek, stroking it with your thumb, "No, we'll talk after dinner. It's okay, take your time. Go take a shower- it's been a long day."

"Alright." Auli'i kisses you gently on the lips, "I won't be too long."

You nod, chuckling, "And dinner'll be ready when you're out from the shower." You were worried about her, but you knew there was no use forcing her to tell you any more information than she would. So, you let her do what she needed to do. Then, settle down and talk at the end of the day. You had your guess anyway.

~~ • ~~

"So..." You were unbelievably mad, "I was right."

"Oh, my God. Did she approach you?"

"No, she didn't." You reply, "But she saw you walking back to set from where I was, looked at me and had this weird expression on her face while she looked away."

"Oh." Auli'i sighed, "Good, she didn't get near you."

"She was being so mean to everyone. And so entitled." Auli'i reiterated, "her giving me the side eye, fine. But she talked about you, so I stood up to her, and for you and I just got emotional and cried a little. She ruined so many takes! I have so much to reshoot with her alone because of that. We could've wrapped a lot sooner, but she doesn't want to work an extra few hours?"

You hug her, "Babe, I'm- I don't know what to say...I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that."

"I'm so glad I stood up to her. Almost mo one dared to say a word to her about how she was behaving."

"Physically, yes. Still pretty angry but I gotta do my job. I need to work, and the movie's good representation." She admits, "I'm okay, babe. I just wanted to be open with you and let you know what's been going on. I believe that what goes around, comes around."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Monday, 12 December 2022

A/N: Next oneshot would probably be awhile because I do not have any drafts or ideas yet!

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