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"So you told Darby about the powers?"

"Kinda had to, she saw me use them the other night." Capri replies nonchalantly. "And after what I did, she couldn't say much about them anyway. But, we're fine now. No more stupid drama."

"Really?" You asked, a bright smile on your face. Probably the first one all weekend since before the car nearly hit you.

The weather was gloomy, rain was about to fall given the way you kept hearing thunder roaring in the distance. Paying no mind to that, you looked into the mirror in front of you, checking your skin before drying it with a face towel. While doing so, you felt Capri staring at you intently. Your bare body. Next, her arm snakes around your waist as she shifted into her position behind you, hugging you. Her chin rested on your shoulder as she whispers, "I love you." It gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach...those words. But also that forsaken rush of heat downwards.

"Why so clingy, babe?"

"No reason." She spoke, pressing a soft kiss in the crook of your neck. That action sends an electric shock down your spine, making you take in a sharp breath. "Listen- remember I said the other day that we should take it to my house. And now that we are...what do you say we do just that?" Her hand traces your side as she asks.

You chuckle, catching her drift, "I say, okay."

"Good." She says as her other hand- her left hand reached up the front of you body and just held your breast in her hand, massaging it ; That gesture successfully elicits a whimper from you. "Remember that talk we had awhile ago about doing some things to spice it up?" She asks, now you were overly aware of the fact that her bare body was pressed up against yours. "Yeah." You respond. "Last week, I got us a little something to use."


"Give me a minute." Her hand gropes your ass cheek shamelessly as she leaves the ensuite bathroom, "I'll be right back." You hear her walk into her closet, opening a drawer then some shuffling and other clattering sounds that you couldn't make clear.

However, when she returned, your question was answered. "That is not a little thing."

"It's not that big." She smirked, looking down at the harness she'd put on, leaning onto you to graze the shell of your ear.

"Capri, you know I've never-"

"Well, do you want to try it? For me to use it on you?"

You pondered for a moment, observing her face, how the damp shoulder-length hair stuck to her skin, but also seemed to perfectly frame her face at the same time. Her full breasts inches away from you, you looked at her hands, then her lips as you began to fantasise and crave for her touch. "I do." You agreed with a tiny nod of your head. She grins, saying, "I'll work you up to it with my fingers first." As you gave her another agreeing nod, she cups your face and both your lips quickly melted into one- her free hand carries on groping your other breast that she's neglected for a minute or few, honestly. Subsequently, her hand that was cupping your face makes its way down between your legs, gathering some of your arousal on two fingers as they began to circle your already sensitive clit teasingly. You weren't one to brag— she was. But the two of you were

Slowly, she flips you over so your back was against her and your front was pressed up against the cool granite countertop. "I want you to look at yourself in the mirror, babe." She whispers, pushing your back lightly so you were now bent over. You flinch as the warmth of your skin became one with the coldness of the countertop. "Watch how your face changes when I fuck you." She tells you. With you, her bark was always worse than her bite. She'd never order you around. Her next move was to hold both your wrists together behind your back, "I don't want you to touch yourself though. Leave that to me."

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