oat milk latte

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Everyday, at 7:07a.m., Auli'i would see this girl walk through the door. Even though she's shown up literally every time, Auli'i would be anxiously waiting, scared she wouldn't be here today. She even took the opening shift for her. Y/N.

"Girl, are you thinking about that customer again?"


"Oh, you know who." Her friend, Sasha rolled her eyes, "Y/N- the girl who always orders an oat milk latte."

"No, she orders a chamomile tea sometimes."

Sasha gives her a look, "Only you would know that."

Auli'i puffs out her cheeks in exasperation, glancing at the clock on the wall. 7:04. She starts making Y/N's drinks ahead of time, knowing that she'd right. "Girl, you are down bad. Just talk to her."

"Have you seen her?" Auli'i gasps, "I can't even form a proper sentence in my head- nothing coherent will come out of my mouth!"

"Not my type. But she is kinda cute- she's got that quiet, soft-spoken vibe." Sasha comments, "Oh, wow. You are a lost cause." She takes the first customer's order.

As if on cue, Y/N walks in as Auli'i was almost done with making her drink.

"Hey, Y/N!" Sasha exclaimed, flashing a smile.

"Hi, Sasha." Y/N replies softly, walking up to the counter, right on front of Auli'i. She was so focused on putting the cover on the paper cup that she didn't even see Y/N until Sasha kicked her foot. "Okay, ow!" She whisper-shouted, "What?" Sasha clears her throat, sighing.

"O-oh, good morning, Y/N. I- I uh, got your drink right here." Auli'i places it down, "Would you like a chocolate danish today?"

"Um, could I get a plain bagel?"

"Oh, sure. Sure. Coming right up."

Sasha was trying not to laugh seeing Auli'i so flustered. That was until the next customer walks in, then, she wasn't acting so different than Auli'i. "H-hey, Jade."

"So, um, where ya headed?"

"Nowhere. Just gonna sit here today and people watch." Y/N shrugs, "Why?"

'God, I can't believe I asked that!' Y/N thought.

"Um- n-nothing! Just curious." Auli'i hands her the bagel on a plate along with a small pack of cream cheese, and a chocolate spread that she openly snuck onto the plate.

"Thank you."

~~ • ~~

Y/N heads for table at the back with her food and drink. Putting the cup down, the was one thing she noticed almost right away: a phone number staring at her, with a 'text me! let's go get lunch♡'

She internally squeals, grabbing her phone from her bag to put Auli'i's number into her contacts.

After mustering up the courage and sending that text, she puts her phone face down and proceeds to have her breakfast

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After mustering up the courage and sending that text, she puts her phone face down and proceeds to have her breakfast...while trying to ignore her heart pounding in her chest and the intense urge to throw up from the anxiety.

When Y/N looks up, Auli'i was walking to the back. To avoid any possibility of eye contact, Y/N quickly looks away.

Some time passes, Y/N has just about finished her meal when her phone vibrates on the wooden table.

Some time passes, Y/N has just about finished her meal when her phone vibrates on the wooden table

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Y/N almost let out a squeal, bit she bites the inside of her cheek to stop it.

'Wow. Oh, my God.'

~~ • ~~

Around 8:30a.m., Y/N leaves. But, not before waving a goodbye to Auli'i.

"I must say, I'm impressed."

"For what?"

"Making a move sooner that I thought you would."

"I just hope that I won't embarrass myself at lunch." Auli'i scoffs, noticing two customers walk in.

"I think you will be just fine."

"And how do you know?" Auli'i quickly spoke then went ahead to serve the customers. Once the two customers' orders were taken, Sasha says, "I trust my gut. And my gut tells me, you two would end up together."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Saturday, 10 Dec 2022

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