i need you • requested

452 13 2

18+ only. Smut.

4 years, 4 IVF attempts and a miscarriage later, you and Auli'i's wish of starting your own family finally came through. Despite the horrendous morning sickness-- or rather, anytime-of-the-day sickness, you've finally reached the second trimester and was feeling better physically. Your appetite returned, along with some pretty bizarre cravings that Auli'i's never judged you for. Instead, she quite literally does anything to satisfy them. However, along with the increase in appetite and cravings creeped in an annoying thing- you've become exceptionally aware of how much your body's changing, inside and out now that you're not feeling too sick to care about anything else other than where the nearest bathroom- heck, even where the nearest trashcan was.

"You want some fruit?" Auli'i was going around the kitchen grabbing some snacks for your movie night.

"Yeah, maybe a banana and some ketchup."

You had to stop and keep quiet after you said that, repeating what you'd just said to her, back to yourself.


"How are you so okay with this?" You laughed, not a hint of disgust was on her face.

"You're the one with a human being growing inside you, who am I to judge what you feel like eating? This isn't that weird- at least it's edible." She hands the fruit and a bottle of ketchup to you. "Thanks." A smile tugs at your lips, "Typically, even I would be disgusted by this combination."

Auli'i hit play on the movie while you contently devoured that snack. She glances at you every once in awhile to check on you- you could definitely feel her eyes on you despite not looking back at her. "I'm okay, babe." You promised, "The nausea's really been dying down since this week."

"Good. That's so good." She rubs your back comfortingly as she gently pulls you closer to herself. This was enough to drive you crazy. For the past few days, you've noticed that you've been extra needy. You desperately wanted and needed more, you wanted release. You just were too self-conscious to tell her. You didn't feel like you did before, much less look like you did before you got pregnant. You shifted in your seat some and she asks of you were okay. "No?"

"No?" Auli'i gasped, "Oh, my goodness. What's wrong?"

"It's- it's not the baby." You stopped her before she went into a full-on panic mode.

"I um, I don't know how to say this without sounding absolutely vulgar. But for the past few days, I've been so horny. I just didn't want to tell you because every time I see myself in the mirror, I feel like shit noticing the weight I've been gaining."

Again, she didn't even bat an eyelid. "The weight gain's a good thing, you're growing our little baby. If anything, I think you simply look even more beautiful. I mean, look at those. And that hair? Oh my god. It's been getting very thick and shiny, don't you think?"

You snorted a laugh, eyeing her up and down, "Come on, these are nothing compared to yours. Seeing you wearing nothing but shorts and a sports bra is making me feel like a wild animal."

She bit the air and cheekily kisses you on the lips, "If you want, I'll be more than happy to help you take some of edge off."

You backed away a bit, "Really?"

"Yeah, even the doctor said it was safe." She nodded, kissing you again. But she was very carefully not to lay her weight on you.

"Oh, that's great. You're tasting the ketchup and banana I just ate." You scoffed.

She laughs, "Not a very nice taste, this one." She says that jokingly of course. "Are they still sore?"

"Not much." You answered hastily.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now