all i want is everything [2] • requested

214 11 6

18+ only. Smut.

"Will you let me take a shower first? I feel gross, sweating all day." You pull away from the kiss. She changes her target to that one spot in the crook of your neck. Easily, your knees buckled. She was quick, though- helping you stay upright.

"Okay, love." She licked her lips after breaking away from you. Her eyes were staring into your soul, almost. It made your heart race. Fuck it, you put your hair up into a messy bun and just took a quick shower to get that sweaty, sticky feeling off of your skin. And brushed your teeth. You emerge less than ten minutes later from the ensuite bathroom, wearing no more than a baggy t-shirt and underwear.

"Oh, easy access, huh?" She sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed, "Love that for me."

You raised your eyebrows and approached her, "All I'm gonna say is...I'm tired. So make sure I sleep good tonight."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that." She easily hoists you up to straddle her as she remained seated. Now barely a couple inches from her face, you observed every little detail on it. "Your eyes are so, so gorgeous." You  panted. Softly, your breath fanned against her face. Auli'i cups your cheek with a hand then strokes it gently with her thumb, "You are so beautiful." With that, she presses a soft kiss onto your lips which only intensified as the seconds ticked by. Being very careful, she backs herself up further onto the bed and laid you down...your lips never separated. Hungry for constant warmth and contact. She was now straddling you and you, got a clear view of her chest hovering above you which only made you feel even more needy for her. How it moved as she does, how close they were to you yet so far...thanks to her crop top that was still covering them. But, you know she wasn't wearing a bra. You could...see them, perked up and forming what you saw and a very vivid image in your head of what was underneath that layer of fabric.

"Eyes up here, baby." She grins, titling your chin up to capture your lips into a sloppy kiss. Her mouth takes its sweet time covering each inch of your skin, lower and lower each time. Needless to say, thoughts? Out the window. "Off?" She looks at you, her hand grasping onto the collar of your t-shirt.

"Yeah." Your breathing was heavy as she nodded and carefully got the shirt of you. She was so gentle with you and you loved that she was like this. Currently she was face to face with your chest and very happily resting on it. Really, she was just laying there. "Are you enjoying yourself, there?" You asked, running a hand through her hair. She nodded. Of course she would, stupid question. Next, her hand was on one of your breasts, kneading it as she watched your face contort almost immediately. "Fuck." You cursed under your breath as her action caused the ache between your thighs to skyrocket.

She winked, "I knew it."

"A little unfair you're still wearing clothes, no?" You asked, squirming in your position as her mouth finds its way back on you. Her teeth grazed your nipple at that question, causing you to seethe. She removes herself from you and sat up in her current position. You watch her closely and she basically put on a show for you while stripping the clothes off herself. No complaints there...

You couldn't take it, you needed her. Bad.

"Auli'i..." You reached out and just boldly grabbed her hand and led it to where you wanted it. She had an idea of what you wanted, and just went with it. "So I can take these off, right?" Her fingers gripped at the hem of your underwear as she watches your face for a look of approval- which you'd promptly given to her. She manoeuvres the two of you into a position where both your lips were now grinding on each other's. It drove you insane as you bit down on your lip to hide the whimper. She was watching you like a hawk, wanting you to lose it and...make noise. She works fast, somehow she was now face to face with your nether regions. You gulped, staring right into your eyes in anticipation. Her tongue begins to circle your bundle of nerves slowly. You were beginning to practically lose control of whatever you were saying or noise you were making. Because whatever it was, it spurred her on. It was like you couldn't hear yourself as she continued to work your cunt with her tongue.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now