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"Good morning." With a sleepy smile, she smooches you on the lips, her thumb caressing your cheek. You naturally smiled back at her- her smile was contagious.

You were rudely woken up by your alarm since you had to go to work. You had a commercial shoot this morning, but Auli'i on the other hand, hand some time off. "I gotta get ready for work." You yawned, blocking it with your hand. You see her sulk, "Do you know what time you'll be home?"

"If we wrap early, probably after lunch time?" You guess, "If not I'll be back by dinner time."

"I wish you could stay home."

"I know, babe. But on the bright side, I've got nothing else confirmed after this one's done."

"Finally." She chuckles, her gazed fixed on you, "You've been really busy lately."

"Won't be leaving your side after I come home today." You assured, "We'll do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?"

"Don't be a brat." You joked, stripping out of your pyjamas and getting changed.

She chuckles raspily, the sleep was still evident in her voice, "I'll see you in the evening, baby."

You nodded, mirroring her smile.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

"Yeah, sleep in." You give her a quick kiss on the lips, a hand running through her slightly knotted hair.

"Okay. I'll miss you."

You glanced over your shoulder one more time before you left the room and headed for the kitchen. You prepared a quick breakfast - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while making some tea to put in a thermos. Within thirty minutes, you were out the door and on your way to work.

— • —

You had a commercial to film and be at a photoshoot for the print version. Fortunately, the team was great so it felt like a lot of fun- which made the time seemingly go by quicker than you'd expected. You had to do multiple takes, and that got a little vexing as time passed by you pushed through.

One the photographers and the rest of the crew declared it was a wrap on the photoshoot, that's when the tiredness hit. It finally hit you- like a ton of bricks. You were so caught up in getting the work done that you just kept going and going. Not realising how tired you'd become over the course of the day.

"Hey, Y/N." One of your old acquaintances from college was part of the crew.

"Um, Lance- right?"

"Yeah. Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to go out for drinks some time?"

"Lance, I uh- I'm not available."

"Oh." His face fell, "So all the talk on the Internet is true then? You're dating the Disney kid?"

"Yeah, we've been together for three years. And I would appreciate if you would stop calling her a 'Disney kid'."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Chill out. You want a ride?"

"No, thanks. You have a good night." You took a deep breath as you walk away from him to get to your car.

"Are you okay?" The person parked beside you, asked. You turned to look at them and realised it was Pamela. She was the one working with you during the shoot.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now