she comes home in a bad mood

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You were in the kitchen making dinner when you heard the front door open and close, and someone walking in. "Hi, babe." You knew who it was without even looking. She didn't respond, which meant that something was wrong. You let the food simmer covered on the stove and you went up to her. "Auli'i what's wrong?" You sat her down.

"Everything went wrong today." She answered shakily. You took her hands in your own, giving them a comforting squeeze. "The last bite of the waffle you made me this morning dropped onto the floor, and then on my drive to work someone almost rear-ended my car." She begins, "Oh, God. At work, the sneakers I was supposed to wear went missing, then one of the lights didn't work. The takes just weren't good enough for the director- it was hell. I'm so glad to be home."

"It's gonna be okay, baby. Tomorrow's a new day." You press a kiss to her lips, "You're safe here with me, hm?"

As you slowly got her off you so you could go check on the food, she gives you a tiny little smile that melted your heart. "Give me a sec, okay? I'm just gonna go check on our dinner." Auli'i nodded, "Okay."

"You want something to drink, darling? Chamomile?"

"That'd be nice." She agrees.

Turning off the stove, you took the lid off the pot. Next, you filled up the electric kettle to boil some water for tea. "You want something to eat, Auli'i? The chicken noodle soup is ready?"

"In a bit." She says while laying across the couch and grabbing the TV remote. You made the tea for the both of you then brought it over to her — you'd placed the mugs on the coffee table while she was still surfing the channels. You lightly nudged her so she made a little bit of space for you to sit. Your hand finds its way to her side, your touch  causes her to relax.

"Anything interesting?"

"Nope." She puts the remote back onto the coffee table after settling on a channel showing a reality show rerun. Now eventually, you found yourself seated on the floor. "Why are you the floor?" She asks, "Get up."

"It's fine." You reply, resting your chin on your folded arms- you were literally face to face with her torso. "I'm sorry today didn't go very smoothly."

She was sulking. You shifted so you were face-to-face instead, leaning forward to give her another kiss. "I'll be okay." She said softly.

"Yeah you will." You caressed her cheek, flashing her a smile as she does the same.

"Thank you for being here for me, and making me tea, and dinner. And sitting here with me." Auli'i takes your hand, "I'm so thankful for you."

"I love you, darling." You squeezed her hand.

— • —

A little later, she asked to eat. So the two of you were now sat in the kitchen together for some chicken noodle soup. She didn't talk much, but just by her facial expression you could tell she was in a better mood than before. "Do you want some more?"

"Yeah, I'll go for seconds." Her lips tugged into a smile, "Babe, this is delicious."

"Aw, thank you." You placed her bowl in front of her then got a second bowl for yourself too.

"How was your day?"

"I managed to finish first draft of my book today and send it off to the editor, but nothing major after that." You shrugged.

"That's great, Y/N." She gasped, "That's an accomplishment."

You nodded, giving her a grateful smile.

"Can you make this again tomorrow?"

You chuckled, "Sure. You really like it that much?"

"It's like a warm hug." She mirrors your smile. "Doesn't compare to a hug from you, of course."

"You're not working on Saturday- how about we go for a drive up to the beach?" You suggested

"I would love that, sweetie." Auli'i smiles, puckering up her lips to give you a kiss. She pushes her bowl aside so you were getting the hint that her affection was no longer innocent. "Auli'i, what are you doing?"

"Hopefully, you."

"Oh." You chuckled, briefly breaking away from her touch.

Shit, that voice sends a chill down your spine.

"Let's go." She leads you away from the table and onto the couch again. Her hand presses a button and all the windows in the living area were now covered with curtains.

"Right here?"

"Mhm." She sucks at your neck, her breath fanning against you making you flinch.


You definitely weren't opposed to it. "How ya feeling?" You asked her playfully as she hovers over you.

"Pretty great now." She pulls away from your neck, a grin plastered on her face as she brushes your hair out of your face, "So, so pretty."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Saturday, 25 November 2023

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