you • requested

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You couldn't believe you were about to see Auli'i perform live again. Nearly three years ago, you got lucky and went to London to see Auli'i in Evita on the West End production. This time, you were also in London, at the same theatre to see her perform in a new show. The only difference was, you went alone. Well, you'd asked your sister, but she decided not to go in the end. You kind of needed some time alone anyway, so her decision didn't exactly affect you ultimately.

"Hello, dear."

"Hi." You greeted her back, "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?" She pulls away from the hug gently.

"Great. I'm so excited to be meeting you again. You were amazing tonight."

She looks at you curiously. "I wrote you a letter, then I told you I was learning Hawaiian on Duolingo so you said something to me in Hawaiian that I couldn't really understand." You explained.

"Oh, my God!" Auli'i gasped, grabbing your arm, "I remember you! Y/N?!"

You nodded excitedly, "I was just hoping you read my letter."

"I did, I read it. Warms my heart to know how much my projects have helped you."

"Meeting you has been the highlight of my year." You chuckled.

"Well, you definitely left a deep impression." She smiled. "Oh." You gulped, "I did?"

— • —

"Hey, what time are you coming home tonight?"

"I'm leaving work at 6:30. Depending on the traffic situation, I'd say about 7:30? What's up?"

"We're going out for dinner." Auli'i tells you.

You gasped, "Ooh. Okay."

"Mhm. So, come home, get changed and we'll head out."

"Alright, babe. See you soon." With a smile on your face, you hang up and returned to work. You could leave in about forty-five minutes. So, you were very excited. Clocking out, you drove home. Auli'i takes you out at least once a month for a nice dinner and tonight seemed to be the night this month. And you, you took her out for a staycation every month— if she wasn't filming. If she was, you'd definitely be on set to see her as much as you could.

"Hello, hello." She walks up to you and greeted you with a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Oh, you look so beautiful." You gushed, kissing her back. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back."

"No rush." She assured, "Take your time. We'll make our reservation with plenty of time." Auli'i trails behind you, going up to your shared bedroom. Taking the pantsuit off and tossing it into the laundry basket, you opened up the wardrobe to pick out your outfit for the evening. Your choice? A navy blue dress- simple, flattering and comfortable. One of your favourites and Auli'i's, too. After doing your hair and makeup, you two were quickly out the door and in her car. The destination was your usual restaurant. Once there, you two were soon led to a booth in back and handed a menu each.

"Thank you." You and Auli'i said in unison to the waiter.

"No problem." He said, "Whenever you're ready."

Dinner went by as per usual. After dinner though, that was something new. She drove up to the beach and stopped there. Despite living near the beach, you haven't been there in a hot minute. "Why are we here?" You asked curiously.

"Just wanted to take a little walk and talk to you." She interlaced her fingers with yours as you two walked along the beach, enjoying the rare moment of peace on this usually bustling place.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Promise." She tells you. "You know how we met after my shows time and time again?"

You nodded, taking a peek at her for a beat.

"Every time as I walk out of the stage doors, I would be hoping to see you. Always. I didn't know what it was, but it just felt right. So right."

Now, you're seated on a mat laid on the sand, looking right at her as she poured you a glass of wine. Damn, girl was prepared.

"Aww, that's so sweet." You replied, taking a sip of wine. You feel her gaze on you still- her eyes never left you. So, you looked back at her and now she seems nervous. Like she wants to say something but doesn't dare to. "What's going on?"

"Uh, well...I took you out tonight because I had a very important question for you. I spent so much of my time recently trying to figure out when would be the best time to ask you this. But the truth is, today would be just as good as any day because any time I get to spend with you, I'm so goddamn happy and feel like I'm on top of the world. Y/N, will you marry me?"

While she was talking to you, you were blissfully unaware of where the conversation was headed and continued to drink your wine. When that question slid out of her mouth, you nearly choked on your drink or spat it out right into her face. Either way, you were shocked. But also too tired from work to be thinking too much when she started getting nervous and cutely ramble to you.

You gulped when she pulled out a little box and opened it up to reveal an engagement ring. She takes it out in anticipation of your answer.

"Yes." You sniffed, nodding eagerly as she slipped the ring onto your finger.

"Oh, I love you so much." She grabs your face and crashes her lips onto yours.

"I love you, too." You answered, feeling the wind in your hair and peeking at the setting sun? It felt like a dream.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Here's a cute fluffy one for yall after that last one. Been in the works for awhile thanks to writer's block😫

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