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"Hey, good morning, beautiful." You smiled, walking over to her to give her a kiss.

"G'morning, baby." She grins, but it falls from her face soon enough.

"How are you doing?" You asked her softly. She sits down with you by the kitchen island.

"I've been better." She says, burying her face in her hands.

"You wanna take another dose of the meds to see if it helps with the headache?" You suggested.

"Sure, yeah." She shrugged, "Also, do you mind if we turned the heat up a little? I'm kinda cold."

"No problem." You went to turn the heat up then got her the Tylenol, along with a glass of water.

It was Christmas. And you'd decided to just forget about your plans about going out today on the account that she was feeling under the weather. But, it was still pretty early on in the day so she might actually ask to be out of the house anyway. "Do you have a fever?" You asked straightforwardly.

"No, it's just a little chilly out, no?"

"Yeah, it is." You agreed, "well, it is raining pretty heavily outside."

You felt her forehead to make sure she wasn't having a fever, which would indicate something worse. "I'm fine. It's probably just hormones." She assured, "I swear. We can still go out tonight for a walk, look at all the Christmas lights, y'know?"

"If you're up for it, we'll definitely go." You smiled.

"Yay." She grins, getting up to grab herself a drink of water. Meanwhile, you got started on breakfast. "Ooh, whatcha making?"


"Sounds great." She said back, then you heard her walking back to her seat while you got the ingredients ready.

She watched you while you cooked- you just knew she was. You could literally feel her eyes on you. You didn't care- you were enjoying this. The weather, her company. Everything. This was one of the most peaceful holidays you've had. Being away from your family was a great decision. You'd cut them off due to a number of reasons and now you were living your best life. Granted, some days were harder than others but it was way easier to heal and recover being away from the source of your problems and trauma.

— • —

"I think that looks good." She tells you while decorating her own gingerbread house. "Oh, yeah?"

"For sure. I love that bow above the door."

You chuckled, "Thanks. So, how are we gonna finish two whole gingerbread houses ourselves?"

"Ah, don't worry about it. We can just slowly eat it throughout the week." She giggles, licking some frosting off her fingers.

"Right." You nod, "Okay, I'm done. Still think we should bake more cookies?"

"Um, no. But maybe some hot chocolate then watch a movie?" She suggested.

"Perfect." You beamed.

She offered, "I'll make the hot chocolate."

"I'll pick out a movie." You grab the remote.

After a nice thirty minutes of walking around the neighbourhood, the two of you had returned home, took a shower and decided to decorate a couple of gingerbread houses. This day felt everything you could've asked for and more. It wasn't anything extravagant but you felt safe. And loved- you always felt that way with Auli'i.

"You want some popcorn, babe?" She asked.

"Uh, sure."


While you scrolled through Netflix to find something to watch, the smell of popcorn suddenly hit you in the face. "Oh, that was quick."

"Multi-tasking." You could hear that she was smiling. "Do you want butter or something else?"

"Eh, I'm not too sure. Whatever you pick is fine."

"Butter it is." She decided.

Soon, she was next to you putting down a bowl of buttered popcorn. Then, she walked away and back with two mugs of hot chocolate. "Thank you, love."

"No problem." She kisses you sweetly then sat down, snuggling up against you. "What are we watching?"

"Home Alone."

"Good choice." She snakes an arm around your waist protectively, "1 and 2?"

"Of course." You grabbed some popcorn from the bowl, being careful not to drop any onto the floor. She laughs, holding the bowl up for you instead.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N." She grins, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Merry Christmas, Auli'i. I love you."

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Unedited. Published: Monday, 25 December 2023

Merry Christmas, everyone. Thought I'd write a little something for yall :)

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