all i want is everything • requested

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"Hi, everyone. It's been awhile since I've gone live so I decided now was a good time to come out of the woodwork." Auli'i chuckles, "We'll just sit here, listen to some bombass music and chat for now."

Her eyes skimmed through the numerous comments and questions that were beginning to pile up. If she manages to catch it, she answers it. Well, unless they're rude. Or disgusting.

"Guys, actually, I'm waiting on someone to join me. They'll be here in a few minutes." She clears her throat, picking up her mug to take a sip. As expected, a whole bunch of questions about the identity of her said guest were almost immediately asked. She tries to stay calm and collected. It was a mutual decision to go public with you after dating secretly for nearly six years.

Well, the truth? Auli'i brought it up first. You two were more than just stable. It was more like a rock solid kind of situation. She was- still is your best friend. Everyday you wake up to this angelic face that has you thanking your lucky stars and falling even more in love each day. And, she was just as in love with you as you are with her.

"Hello?" Her intercom buzzes, her ear perks up at her voice.

"One second, guys. She's here." Auli'i grins, getting up off the floor to go let you in while her phone stayed on the coffee table, being held up by a portable speaker.

"Hi, my love." She smooches you on the cheek and gives you a hug, "I started the livestream."

"Hey." You smiled, hugging her back, "I know, I got the notification on my way here."

"You ready?"

You nodded decisively. "Come on." She was beaming when she led you by the wrist to her set up. Your tote bag lands on the ground by the couch with a soft thud as she sits down, still holding onto your hand. "Sit down." She pulls your hand slightly.

Boy, those cute.

You took a deep breath and obliged. You were preparing for this. You knew what to expect- somewhat.


"Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend of five years, almost six." She started. You said hi to the audience of about 2 thousand viewers with a polite smile and wave. "Why go public now after so many years?"

"Uh..." Auli'i began to answer as you watched her closely. Unlike her, you didn't know what to say. You didn't know these people at all and it made you nervous.

"Good question." She continues, "I'd say a proposal is a pretty good reason to go public."

You literally froze as the words echoed through your mind, loud and clear.

"I've thought about this for a very long time, Y/N. And then one day, I just decided- I want to spend the rest of my life with you and solidify that promise- show you off to my friends, my family...the world. Because you- you, Y/N. You make me feel like I'm on cloud nine every single day. You listen to me, you know me like the back of your own hand. You've been my best friend since we were sixteen and every moment spent with you just feels like heaven. Like all I want is everything to do with you. Anything at all. I'm so proud of you, and so happy and so in love with you, baby. Will you marry me?"

As you said yes, 'All I Want Is Everything' started playing on her speakers. She slides the ring onto your finger and as she pulls you in for a passionate kiss, you couldn't help but chuckle at the unbelievable timing of her playlist. Aaand that little reference she made to the song title from your favourite show as a teen. (One you made her watch with you because she would rather watch a Disney movie)

"You guys saw it here first. We're engaged. Good night, guys." Auli'i waves goodbye to the viewers and so did you, before she clicked off. Not even a minute later, you were both getting calls and texts.

"Hey, Lauren." Auli'i had her phone between her shoulder and ear as she snakes an arm around your waist.

"You didn't tell me?!" You could hear her best friend on the other end of the call- loud and clear.

"Surprised?" Auli'i was biting back a laugh,

"Uh, duh!" Lauren exclaimed, "Congratulations, babes."

"Thank you~" Auli'i answered, "Are you still on for brunch tomorrow?"

"You know I am." Lauren laughs,

"Great. See you tomorrow." Auli'i continues having her conversation with Lauren while you sat by her quietly. You had spent the day at work and was ready to drift off, but thanks to her proposal, you no longer felt sleepy. "Byeeee, love you bitch,"

You snorted a laugh at that term of endearment, narrowing your eyes at Auli'i, She couldn't help but laugh as she hung up. You were receiving a ton of texts as well but you have only responded to your family's questions. So well, yeah. Still tired.

She tosses her phone aside and asks if you were okay. "Yeah, just tired. Had a long week. Customers were interesting today. A few were bloody rude."

"I don't know how you do it, babe." She chuckles, wrapping her arms around you tightly.

"How can you not know what you ordered when you'd just asked me what was in the cake?"

"There will always be a few of those people who just...confuse you." She shrugs, peppering your face with kisses. "Damn, you smell good."

You guffawed, "Are you sure? I've been in the kitchen all day."

"Babe, you literally smell like cookies and cake."

"My clothes." You corrected her.

"I would like to see them off, though." She batted her eyelashes at you, puckering up for another kiss.

Her candour makes you want to laugh at a moment like this. But geez, were you sure this night was headed...

— • —

Unedited. Published: Thursday, 07 March 2024

Okay, this formatting problem is pissing me OFFFFF. now my chapters look so inconsistent and it BUGS ME. but! here it is- i hope you liked it :) (i also hope i read your request right haha)

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