an angel in person

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"Look at you, so beautiful." She grabs your wrist, your gazes melting into one.

"Thanks, darling." You smiled of relief. "You look gorgeous as always."

"Aw, thank you, baby." She smiles, pulling you in by your waist for a kiss.

This evening, the two of you had your very first event together ever since making your relationship public. And it was a red carpet, no less. So...nedless to say, you were a little more nervous than you'd thought.

She saw through the corner of her eye while grabbing her clutch that you were taking deep breaths. Auli'i immediately intertwined her hand with yours as you two left the house, "We got this." 

You and Auli'i were sharing the ride with Riele, her co-star in Darby and the Dead - also, tonight's red carpet was leading up to its premiere.

"Hey, guys." Riele greets you both once have gotten into the car. It seems that they've picked Riele up first. "Hi." You smiled softly, "You look great."Thank you, Y/N. You two look amazing as well."

The music during the drive to the venue helped calm your nerves and distract you from the thought of the event, but before you knew it, the car   to a halt. And the driver announces, "Here we are. Just waiting for those in the car in front of ours to alight."

"Okay, let's do this!" Riele exclaimed, "Deep breaths, everyone."

Riele got out from the car first, then Auli'i, then it was your turn...and since those two ladies were the leads of the film, everyone's eyes were on them. And you- Since Auli'i extended her hand to you to help you out of the car. Oh, my God. You could very clearly feel your heart hammering against your chest as you begin to walk hand in hand with Auli'i down the red carpet. Riele wasn't far away from you two.

The last thing you remembered clearly was seeing Riele wave to the cameras and pose, then she turns to face you and Auli'i.

She waves at you and Auli'i. The cameras in that area all turned their attentions towards the both of you.

You hear them scream Auli'i's name over and over. You hear them asking you to pose with her. And you did, but you didn't actually have a clue what you were doing as their voices became noise, and the noise became faded out.

The next flash was you realising she'd stopped for a couple of times for interviews. And unless you heard your name, you didn't speak. You just stood with her and held her hand.

By the time you snapped out of it, you were walking off the red carpet and Auli'i was calling your name. "Hm?"

"Are you okay, babe?"

"Yeah, I uh- I just got a little too nervous and went on autopilot for awhile. Hopefully, I don't look horrible in those photos."

"You look perfect, Y/N. That's done now, so all that's left is to just get to our seats and enjoy the movie." She had an arm around your waist protectively as she snuck a quick peck on the side of your head. You and Auli'i soon reunited with Riele since your seats were together. "You guys good?"

"Yeah, I'm glad the red carpet's done." You gave her hand a squeeze, "and you look like an angel in person."

"Me too." Auli'i agreed with a chuckle, "Thanks, babe. I try to look my best." She gives you a wink and you laugh, leaning into her briefly.

~~ • ~~

"Good night, Y/N. See you, Auli'i."

"Bye, Riele. Night." Auli'i gave her a quick hug. "Good night." You say as she begins to turn and walk away.

"Let's go home."

The three of you ended the night at a diner, drinking milkshakes and sharing fries. But you were all undoubtedly exhausted and couldn't wait to go home, as much as you guys have had fun.

After arriving home, you two changed out of the uncomfortable, formal outfits and into pyjamas. Ready to snuggle in bed.

"I actually had a pretty good time tonight, Auli'i. Thanks for encouraging me to go."

"You handled the whole night really well, my love. Thanks for keeping me company tonight."

You looked up at her and smiled, "I love you. You'd better turn in for the night. You've got to wake up early for work tomorrow."

"I love you so much, baby. Good night." She returns the smile and snuggles closer.

While she fell asleep, you scrolled on your phone for awhile to catch up on your friends' social media posts. But then, an article catches your eye: Auli'i Cravalho and S/O attend their first event as a couple.

And, as tempting as clicking on the post to see the comments was, you ultimately decided against it because you couldn't care less about what others thought of your relationship. You were happy with her, and she treats you right - that's all that mattered to you.

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Thursday, 25 May 2023

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