steal my girl • requested

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"Auli'i, I'm gonna need some time." You told her, looking right at her eyes and seeing them well up with tears. Shit. Your heart ached at that sight, but you did what you needed to do. You weren't ready to give her the answer she was hoping for, but if she really wanted you in her life anyway, she would be okay with it.

"Okay." She nodded decisively, "Take all the time you need. Whatever the answer, I'll take it." Taking in a deep breath, she gives both your hands a squeeze then let them go. "I'll see you around, Y/N. Good night."

"Good night." You gave her a hug before she went home. It was still early in the evening, so when you went back inside, you were headed for your kitchen so you could make dinner. Staring at your pantry for a solid minute, you were undecided. Eventually, though, you chose to make yourself a ham and cheese sandwich with a cup of chicken noodle soup. You've had a long day at school and would rather spend lesser time in the kitchen than resting in your own room. You got settled cozily in your bed, wearing your favourite pyjamas. Then, you put on the first Disney movie you came across to keep you entertained while you ate. After washing up your dishes and utensils, you got ready for bed and just turned in for the night.

The next morning, you had the day off from school so you took the chance to do what you liked. You went to the nearby cinema to catch a movie. While you walked nearer to the establishment, you were greeted with a lot of people wearing pink. And surprise, surprise, the first thing you saw when you walked in was a huge promotional photo op standee for Mean Girls. Of course. The movie comes out could you forget?

You quietly made it through the flock of people to the box office to purchase your ticket and a little treat. "Thanks."

"No problem, enjoy the show."

The seats were assigned and doors had just opened so you took your time instead of pushing and shoving with the rest of the people. You quickly found your seat and got yourself comfortable, waiting for the movie to start. The rest of the moviegoers were still chattering around you which was sure to begin annoying you soon enough. So, you resorted to tuning all of that out. tried. As much as you wanted to not hear their conversations, bits of every single conversation near you went into your eyes anyway. Your tolerance for the volume sunk lower and lower while the ache between your brows grew more and more. There it was, the shitty aftermath of crying before bed last night: a headache.

— • —

Thankfully, the lights dimmed before you could decide to bolt out the theatres and go home. So you settled back down and dug into your bag of gummies. You didn't expect this at all, but right in the first scene, Auli'i was there- barely a few minutes in. As her best friend, you saw her on set once, but never got to see a final cut or anything like that.

You walked out of the theatre having thoroughly enjoyed the film. But, you saw and heard multiple groups of people leave before the second song even finished. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself when it happened- you didn't see anything inherently bad with the film overall and found that everyone did a fantastic job bringing out their versions of those iconic characters.

Checking the time, you decided to go for a walk at the nearest park to kill some time before lunch. You were currently sat on a bench to check Google Maps for the nearest places to eat since you didn't come around here as often as you used to. To your surprise, Auli'i texts you.

'Heard you just watched Mean Girls! How was it?'

'I loved it. :) everyone did great. Janis was my favourite though.'

'Hahahah. You're not gonna ask how I knew?'

'Should I be scared?'

You chuckled to yourself as you saw the typing bubble pop up on your screen.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now