the little things

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"I'll see you for lunch, okay, babe?" You smooched her on the cheek while she laid a jacket on her forearm. She kisses you back, "Yep. I'll see you in a few hours, y/n. Remember to change out your medicated plaster in time to get ahead of the pain."

Grabbing her purse, phone and script and keys, she was off. "I will. Bye, Li'i." You called after her.

She flashes you a smile before she closed the front door and went out of sight. You hung around at home in the meantime, tidying up the place and checking the fridge and pantry to make sure you guys weren't running low on anything. After changing into a set of more presentable clothes and making sure you put on a new medicated plaster, you headed out to the grocery store just to kill time— you loved going to grocery stores and just wandering around, checking out any new stuff they had.

While looking at the array of breakfast cereals, your phone buzzes. It was text from Auli'i that asked if you'd changed out the plaster. You did, so that's what you told her. Then, you went back to whatever you were doing. You smiled, you loved that she always remembered the small details about so many things.

You got a box of Auli'i's favourite Cheerios then went down to the snack aisle to see if you could find anything new you wanted to try. There wasn't anything in particular that you liked so you just left after getting what you already had in your cart and a couple other things that you needed. After dropping the groceries off at home, you drove to set to have lunch with Auli'i- right on time.

"Hi, baby." She smiled once she saw you, running up to you to give you a hug. Once you let go, you sneezed.

"You okay? You've been doing that a lot today."

"Oh." Your face fell, "I guess? It's pretty cold in here and I always just sneeze when it's cold."

"The food's really good today." She puts an arm around you, "Let's go eat."

You got what you wanted to eat then stood in a corner to wait for Auli'i. You noticed she wasn't right behind you like she was a minute ago but still at the long table  making you a cup of tea. You found a table that was empty so you quickly went over and sat down before someone else did. Soon, Auli'i walks over and as she places the paper cup in front of you, you coughed. That damn tickle in your throat. You blocked it with your elbow then picked up the cup to drink some of the tea. Auli'i doesn't react, she doesn't make a big deal about it because she doesn't want you to make a big deal about it. It didn't have to be a big deal, unless it was truly an urgent matter. Over time, you two have learned a lot, and one important thing was that if either of you reacted instead of responding, the other person would just freak out. Or get upset, or cry. Depending on the situation. Now, in this situation where one of you was falling sick, the one falling sick would absolutely cry.


"You said you were going to grab coffee with Abby after this?"

"I'm gonna take a rain check on that." You sipped on the tea as you spoke. "I just texted her to reschedule."

"Okay." Auli'i nodded, "Are you finished with the food?"

"Yeah." You told her, holding onto the cup that was beginning to feel cold.

With that, Auli'i gets rid of your plate and hers. She sits with you for awhile, until she got called back onto set. "I'll see you tonight, alright?" Auli'i presses a kiss to your cheek, brushing some hair out of your face. "See you later, babe." You gave her a little hug and left to let her get back to work. You drove straight home, took a shower and got into bed for a nap after taking some Vitamin C and shooting Auli'i a text to let her know that you'd be asleep. You fell asleep with no trouble, only waking up when you heard someone in the apartment.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now