the parent project [2] • requested

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"It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

"Do not mention this to anyone."

You gulped. "You hear me?"

"Swear. Yeah." You nodded, flipping open the project brief again, "So- Type of residence, location, occupation, and members of the family."

Things still felt awkward, but the two of you officially started to work on the project nonetheless.

About two hours later, you both decided it was enough work for the day and you said your goodbyes.

"See you tomorrow at school." She said in monotone.

You were surprised she was actually talking to you apart from the project discussion.

"I guess." She added on.

"Yeah." You weren't exactly sure what to respond with, "See you, bye." You hastily grab your backpack and phone then left her house without looking back. As the door shut you hear, "Hey, you dropped your..." then it faded out as the sound of traffic from the roads filled your ears instead soon enough. You had no idea if she said anything else because you honestly sped away from there.

You got home after a commute, dropped your backpack by your bed and plugged in your phone at your desk. And when you got to your closet to pick out a new outfit for after your shower, a sticky note on its door catches your eye. You pluck it off the surface.

It read:
'Hey! I know I promised I'd be home, but I got a callback this morning so I won't be home till the day after since it's out of town. Sorry, Y/N:(
❤️ Isabella'

"Damn. You're not gonna be home again?" You mumbled to yourself, upset that she wasn't going to home for the third day that week. But you weren't going to seeing for an additional day because she wouldn't be back till the day after. Sighing, you put the note back and grabbed your clothes, headed for the shower. You were beat after a day at school and a few hours after that working on the project. Oh and also, Auli'i's revelation to you about what you essentially did to her: rejecting her and then showing up to a party and making out with a girl. Okay, yes, two major things happend among others in between those two events: one, you came to terms with your own sexuality and came out to your family. then, you decided to take a risk to get to know someone and kiss them...many a times.

It wasn't that big of a deal that your sister wouldn't be home. It's just a little sad that you'd be alone today and it would've been nice to have the company of your sister since you hadn't been able to spend much time with her lately. The two of you lived in a different state from your parents so your only family in L.A. was her. Given the day you had, everything else that followed just sucked a little more.


After you got out of the shower, you checked your phone for any messages. To your surprise, Auli'i has sent you a few. First one was to tell you that you dropped your keychain on her floor. Then she asked you if you wanted it back(of course you did).

'Yes, I would love to have it back. I'll get it from you in class tomorrow. Thanks.' Before you could hit send, a phone call startles you. A phone call from her.

Your heart instantly starts to race as your hand shook. You didn't know whether or not to answer. Taking a deep breath, you decided to just go for it. Your thumb clicks on the green button, putting your phone to your ear.


"Hey, do you have plans for dinner?"

"No, why?"

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now