all the things that could go wrong*

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"Y/N!" Janis screamed, chasing you.

You only ran further, as fast as your feet could carry you. "Y/N, stop!"

You knew your efforts were futile when you felt her grip on your wrist. Of course she'd catch up to you. What were you thinking? Showing up at her door?

"I'm sorry, Janis." You gave up running, "I don't know what came over to me but here I am, at your door."

She looked at you, very confused- it was as though you had posed her with the toughest question ever. "What...?"

You knew why- she asked you to come over to have a night in, but instead that plan just unraveled. She kissed you, and things got a little handsy, but you simply couldn't get past the mental hurdle of being with a girl. "If this is the happiest I've ever been, why do I feel so afraid of it?"

Age 7, you thought Tori Vega was really pretty. But also thought that Beck Oliver was cute. You didn't tell anyone and let that be your little secret.

Age 9, you let that slip. You told a friend and she called you a weirdo for liking both a guy and a girl. That same year, the friend Mabel mentioned it at your birthday party and everyone heard it. They laughed it off, saying that your friend was just joking. But it wasn't a joke, and your Mom told you it was wrong and you took it to heart.

Age 10, you found yourself having crazy swarms of butterflies in your stomach whenever this girl in your class talked to you. Her name was Dawn, and she was your only friend for the next few years because ever since your party a year ago, Mabel made sure to tell everyone your little secret. And no one wanted to be your friend anymore. You were lucky to have Dawn. You didn't tell her about the butterflies, though.

Age 14, High school started. You moved to Illinois, and said goodbye to Dawn. She was sad to see you leave, but promised to talk to you everyday. At North Shore High, you met Janis- and her best friend Damian, who almost immediately took you in to join them. You became a part of their trio. While the school feared her, calling her a threat to students' safety, you did not. She was nice to you and you felt safe and protected. Life seemed pretty good. Until summer rolled around, and you started spending more time with Janis. The butterflies in your stomach made their presence known, and very aggressively. You were falling for your best friend, fast and hard.

Age 15, Sophomore year began and Damian notices the closeness. However, you didn't know that and neither did Janis. He also didn't say a thing, not wanting to assume, nor interfere. Life went on as usual, except your crush on Janis kept growing with each day. Over thanksgiving break, you had your wisdom teeth removed. All four of them were impacted, so they had you go under and get them removed. Janis came by to spend time with you every single day for two weeks- much to your mother's dismay. But Janis knew she wouldn't say a thing, because your mother was also afraid of Janis. She could see her protectiveness over you. (She's also heard of the bunsen burner incident)

Age 16, Janis asks you out to the Winter Ball. You agreed, it was a lot of fun- she made you laugh until you cried. Lingering touches, holding your hand, her hand on your shoulder, her hands squeezing your cheek as she said, 'you're adorable'. You laughed it off, looking away as you blushed. She teases you for it. But you know she meant it not in a negative way. Christmas, your parents were out of town and Janis invites you and Damian over for Christmas dinner. Damian hung out for awhile then went home, you spent the night. You two sat in her bed watching Home Alone, which you completely forgot about when you feel her hand on your thigh, traveling upwards on your side to your face. Janis leans in dangerously close and the two of you nearly kiss. The night ended awkwardly after you told her you couldn't do it, with Janis feeling disappointed and you feeling conflicted.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now