family roadtrip [3] • requested

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Smut. 18+ only.

"Good morning." Auli'i says, the sleep still evident in her voice as she smooches you on the cheek, her bare body pressed against your own.

"Hi." You smiled, slowly opening your eyes to adjust to the brightness of your surroundings, "What time is it?"

"7...48." She turns to look at the clock on the nightstand, "Shit, that's early:"

"Are either of the girls up?"

"Just checked on them a couple minutes ago, and no." Auli'i tells you, "So what do you say we uh..."

"Again?" You arched a brow, snuggling closer to her.

"Your mouth's telling me you're not sure, but here you are snuggling closer to me. You know it has to be an enthusiastic yes."

You giggled at that, "Well....okay, yeah."

"Really?!" She literally gasps.

You squinted, "Wow, should I be offended, Auli'i?"

"Mm, no." She combs a hand through your hair, which was slightly tangled after last night's...well, activities. "Hey, actually...I've got something for us to try."

"Oh, I wonder what it is." You reply. You had a clue as to what it could be- she did say something about 'a surprise' last night. Amidst everything, you remembered that. "Ah, so you remember that, don't you?" She tilts your chin up to give you a kiss. "God, I haven't even brushed my teeth, babe." You pulled away from her and got out of bed. She tries to pull you back, but you told her you wanted to go wash up. Auli'i sulks but let you do that anyway while she does the same, "My Mom made breakfast."


"Mom's making breakfast for us."

"Why is she here?" You asked with the toothbrush in your mouth, "I mean, it's so early. How'd she get here? And then you wanna do stuff with her in the same house?"

"Babe, relax." Auli'i smirked, "It's not like we haven't done that before with her around."

"Damn, maybe I don't want to risk having her walk in or something."

"We'll lock the door. She won't bother us."

"How'd she get here?" You shrug.

"I sent a car to pick her up." She explains, "She's seen me and the girls plenty. But you? She's been waiting to finally see you again."


"Why? Oh, probably because we have dinner with her every other week but you've been filming for six and only saw her once?" Auli'i casts her glance on you for a beat before she rinses her mouth out.

You dry off your face then went back to bed, "Is this your way of subtly telling me we have to...finish faster because, I'm not feeling that."

"We have an hour tops before the girls come knocking on our door here."

"An hour? Okay." You reached out your arms, gesturing for her to join you. She does so, straddling you as she immediately crashed her lips onto yours without hesitation. Slowly, she pushes you down onto the mattress so she was now on top of you. Last night was great, really. But after six weeks of barely seeing her, you missed this closeness.

"Wait, hang on. Give me a sec." She gets off of you and walks over to the nightstand on her side. She opens and closes the lower drawer and places two things onto the bed.

"Alright, take your pick." She says, while you thought about it. "They're new, and I already washed them both."

See? Read your mind again.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now