new photographer

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"We are not hiring her."

"Why not?" Auli'i asks.

"She's not that experienced." Her agent answers flippantly.

"How is she supposed to get experience? If you're not gonna hire her, I will."


"It's my photoshoot. I choose who I work with. So unless you're the one getting photographed, it's my choice. Make the arrangements."

"Alright." Her agent gives in, grabbing her own found to locate the contact information of Auli'i's choice of photographer.

You were out with a couple of your friends at lunch when you got the email from Auli'i's team. You didn't process what it said on the email before rereading it about 4 times. "Y/N...what's going on?" Your friend, Emily asks.

"Guys...I just got a photography gig."

"Oh, that is so awesome." Emily smiled, "I'm so happy for you! What's the job?"

"I'm not sure if I can share that information right now, guys. I'm sorry."

"Aw, I get it." Emily sulks for a moment but another smile appears.

"Congratulations, Y/N. You got this." Friend number 2, Henry gives you a pat on the back.

"Thanks, you guys." You said to them, then responded to the email from Auli'i's team to let them know that you'd be seeing them soon.

After lunch, Emily and Henry drop you off at home. Well- they also came inside to hang out. As usual.

"You've everything ready?" Emily asks.

"Yeah." You nodded, "I always have it packed."

"Always?" Emily scoffs, "I don't believe it. Do you, Henry?"

"Why not?" Henry shrugs, "Haven't you learnt from high school? She's always on time, always have all the notes, always not in trouble. And you think she'll not have the stuff ready to go?"

"Haven't heard of a joke, have you?" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Jokes are meant to be funny." You stifle a laugh, "That wasn't funny. It was false. Thank you, Henry."

"Anytime, anytime." Henry chuckles, "I'm gonna watch your TV now."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. I'm just gonna go double check my stuff. And Emily, please don't start another fire I'm my kitchen, thank you very much."

"I'll keep an eye on her." Henry laughs.

"Henry!" Emily shoves him off the couch.

"Rude!" Henry gasps.

— • —

"Y/N? Come on in." You heard her voice and saw her before you even stood at the doorway of the place.

"Yeah. Hi, good morning." You greeted her back, "They told me you wouldn't be here for a couple hours. I'm not late, right?"

"Oh, no. Don't worry. I just wanted to come down here a little early to say hi, get to know the person I'd be working with for today."

"Oh, good." You heaved a sigh of relief, paying attention to the equipment of yours that you were setting up.

"Have you been here before for work?"

"A couple times last year, it was pretty easy to locate."

"I've never been to this location before, but I agree- it was very easy to find."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now