strangers to lovers to enemies • requested

256 11 4

18+ only. Content below contains mature themes: coarse language, sexual assault mentions, bad previous relationship, anxiety and mentions of vomiting

In life, people come and people go. Some stay longer, while others leave forever. Well...there are some people that you would very much like to never see again. And one of them, was currently in your house. Out of seventy partygoers, this one person immediately got your attention for the wrong reasons. "Oh, my God. Y/N? Hi!" She gasps, walking up to you with open arms then wrapped you in a hug before you could process her attendance at the party. You definitely didn't hug back, but yet she squeezes you tightly.

"Sydney." You sigh, "Hi." You tried to squirm free from her embrace, but struggled to get out, "Let me go."

"Oh, come on. Aren't you even a little bit happy to see me?" Sydney laughs.

You bit back a scoff, leaning against the kitchen countertop with a glass of champagne in your hand. You took a sip, "No, I'm not."

"Playing hard to get?" She was amused. The anger and anxiety was bubbling up in your stomach.

You shook your head wordlessly. She steps closer, leaving you with no escape route. Sydney takes your hand and places it on her hip, you retracted it immediately. Her eyes flicked up to look at you, grinning. "Come on, can't give me a kiss? What're you doing here, then, if not for the possibility that you might see me again, old friend?"

Tears get caught in your throat, the chatter of the party guests became muffled noise in your ears...the sound of your racing heart filled your ears instead. You put down the glass, pushing past her as she leaned into your face.

Auli'i was somewhere in the house, talking to her guests, her friends and their plus-one's that she's invited to celebrate the success of her new film. You couldn't spot her, not with your tear-clouded vision. So you ran away, as far as you could from Sydney. You knew your house better than she did.

"Y/N— please."

"Please, what?" You spat harshly, turning around on your heel.

"Forgive me."

"Forgive you? You want forgiveness?" You scoff, pointing at her, "You fucked me up so badly— you had absolutely no regard for how I was actually feeling. How I felt about you before you jumped the gun and started assuming we were together."

"We slept together, that must've meant something."

"Yeah, it showed me that I didn't actually like you. I was forcing myself to have feelings for you." Your arms were crossed, she still showed no signs of backing away, and was in fact inching closer towards you.

"I love you. Why can't you see that?"

"I do, in some sick twisted way, I see it. But that's all. You need to give the fuck up, Sydney. I don't like you the way you do me. I cannot forgive you for what you did to me— you had me spend six months of my life with you. And not a single moment felt right. I tried telling you, explicitly and you never once took me seriously. And on my birthday, you wanted to have sex with me. Remember what I said? No, right? You never listen to me. It's all about what you want."

She opens her mouth to speak, but you cut her off before she could speak.

"I told you no. You didn't listen. You raped me. You thought you had finally worn me down, but I felt like it was my job, my responsibility to have sex with you just because we were together."

"You didn't say anything. Your body did."

Your body almost immediately physically rejected that statement, feeling an intense urge to throw up. Flustered, you hobbled into the ensuite bathroom and slammed the door, spilling the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now