see you [1] • requested

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Hearing the news that Auli'i was going to be starring in the West End production Evita, your immediate reaction was that you needed to go see her. You had to. It wasn't too far from where you were- well, a few hours away. So it was way better than having to watch her on a screen while being in two different countries.

Since you weren't going to be needing to go to school on the days of the show, you were thanking your lucky stars for this fact. "You're not going to London alone."

"Mom, Dad- I really want to go see this show. It's only going to be on for two days."

"Why do you want to go so badly?" Your Mom asks.

"You both know I'm a big fan of Auli'i Cravalho- you both know how much she means to me. If I find someone to go with me, will you guys please let me go?" You reasoned, "Please? I've been getting pretty good grades, I stay out of trouble. I've also saved up some money from working during school holidays."

You look from your Mom to your Dad, carefully analysing their facial expressions. There was silence for awhile, making you even more nervous suddenly.

"Okay." Your Mom spoke, taking in a sharp breath, "We're gonna let you go, but only for the show."

"You have to go with someone. A friend. We both have work on that day." You Dad added on.

You squeal, giving the both of them a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

You immediately went online to purchase your ticket to the show and one for your train ride over to London.

— • —

You'd been asking everyone you knew if they could go with you, but all of them told you they weren't free. You were bummed, but then, you remembered you had a dating app on your phone and had been talking someone for the past couple of weeks. You decide to take a wild shot and ask if they would like to go to London with you to catch the musical.

So now, you were anxiously waiting for a reply while looking at tickets on your laptop. Not a good combination. Getting frustrated with yourself, you turn your focus back onto the book you've been reading before you saw that Auli'i was going to be in London — all thanks to her Spotify profile's 'Live Events' tab. You locked your phone's screen and put it away, so you wouldn't get distracted.

Awhile later, your phone buzzed, signalling that you've likely gotten a text. You hurriedly grab your phone to check, and to your surprise, the girl— let's call her Chloe, responded. And she said yes. You couldn't believe it- she actually said yes. You were gonna go see the show.

Finally, the day has come. You were all packed and ready for your quick flight London with Chloe- to see your favourite actor perform live. Scratch that, your celebrity crush perform live. And maybe, just maybe even meet her after the show. Grabbing a snack while waiting to board, you got to thinking about how lucky you got to be able to snag the last two tickets for the front row.

— • —

"You excited?" Asked Chloe. The two of you had just entered a restaurant to get something to eat before the show.

"Very. But now, I'm a little more nervous than I am excited." You revealed in a little bit of a ramble.

"I get it, but she seems like the sweetest person ever. So, don't think too much about it."

After dinner, it was almost time for the show so the two of you headed to the theatre and found your seats. It was the last two seats in front row, to the very right side of the stage. Even though the whole cast was great, you were simply in awe of Auli'i- she just looked so gorgeous. So was her voice. The show was over before you knew it and you and Chloe were rushing to the stage door to hopefully meet  Auli'i. Tightly clutching onto your marker, programme and the letter you wrote for her, you and Chloe joined the already forming line. It wasn't that long of a wait- probably about a half hour. But it felt like forever. And as the time ticked by, you started feeling anxious again about the possibility of meeting her. Constantly checking with Chloe how your hair looked, constantly peeking over the shoulders of those in front of you to check if anyone from the cast was exiting.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now