not grab your wrist?

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"Y/N! Are you ready yet? Let's go, we're going to be late for the party!"

"Yeah, Marcus. I'm coming right out." You respond, a sigh falling from your lips as you checked your own reflection one last time.

"Good, you're ready. Let's move." He puffs out his cheeks, sighing as well while he walks way ahead of you.

The two of you were headed to a party at Yasmine Owens' house. She was the most popular girl in school, just like Marcus was the most popular guy in school. You absolutely hated going to these parties with him, not because those students hated you or anything, but you just prefer to spend time alone and would rather have Marcus go to those events himself.

"Don't chicken out tonight, Y/N." He glances at you while driving.

"I'm not going to." You promised. But deep down, you were anticipating the same thing to happen every time he's at any event: girls fighting to take just a selfie with him, or wanting to hang out with him...and he never says no so you end up practically being forgotten, and standing in a corner alone with your red solo cup.

"Y/N! Marcus! Thank you for coming." Yasmine happily greets the two of you at the door, "Have fun, you gorgeous people." Marcus chuckles, once again walking faster. You didn't even bother catching up with him. Within seconds, someone had already come up to him and offered him a drink. "Y/N, where are you going?" He asks. "Nowhere." Which was, in fact, the truth, even though he was now several feet away from you, you could still see him clearly as he took a selfie with a girl. He gestures with his hand asking you to 'come here', but you just left him in that area when you saw a bunch of girls gather around him for a group photo.

Soon, the music got too loud, and the sound of people retching made you feel sick yourself despite not having any alcohol. So, you squeezed past the crowd of students and found your way to the patio. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Yasmine stops you, her friend Jodie beside her. "Yeah, I just feel a little sick, so I'm gonna sit on the patio for a bit."

"There's a cooler there with water, Y/N." She tells you, "If you need anything, find me."

~~ • ~~

You step outside and shut the clear door behind you. The noise inside the house gets muffled while your head continues to pound. You then spot the cooler Yasmine was talking about and grabbed yourself a cold bottle of water, then sat down at a table.

You enjoy a peaceful few minutes alone before you hear footsteps coming from behind you, causing you to turn your head and look.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Auli'i."

"So...why are ya out here when Marcus is in there?"

"Girls are all over him - he barely even looks at me. I don't even know why I'm here with him. He clearly doesn't need me." You scoff, taking another sip of water, "Also, the music got too loud, and the sound of people throwing up started to get to me, so I came out here."

She cringes at the last few words you uttered, "Yeah, that's the worst sound. And, whatever - if he doesn't know how to cherish you. I swear I'll steal you from him."

You simply chuckled in response, not thinking much of it. "Y/N. Seriously- I've noticed you for months. How you are when you're with him, and how are when we're talking. He doesn't listen to what you want...he asked you to come with him to thos party and you're away from him. He doesn't even wait for you when you're walking."

You sigh, looking away from Auli'i.

"I honestly cannot believe that we're finally alone. I've always wanted to talk to you, but it seemed as though he was the only one who could be near you, Y/N." You hear her sigh, "I see him treat you like crap, and I hate that he does that. Now I have my chance, you're alone- with me. So what am I supposed to do? Not grab your wrist? And tell you to dump him? You deserve better, Y/N. So much better."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Monday, 8 May 2023

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