take a hint

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"Would you stop pacing the damn room?" Jade warned.

Apologising to your sister, you sat down on a swivel chair beside her. "Why would Sikowitz make you and Tori play husband and wife in the play?"

"Why do you like to ask questions I don't know the answer to?" Jade snarked.

"Tsk." You rolled your eyes at her, arms crossed as you spun around in the chair.

"I have to do the play. I have no choice- it adds to my portfolio."

"Would you okay with kissing her in front of an audience? No one knows you two are dating yet. Well, except me."

"Well, I kiss her in front of you." The goth smirked, "Whatever, enough about me. I don't want to think about that now."

"Too late. She's calling you." You teased.

"Ughhh." Jade picks up her phone, "Hey. No, I'm home with my sister. Why? You wanna come over? You don't have to ask. Okay, bye. See you."

You laughed. "Shut up." Jade responded flippantly. "Look- you were saying? What's going on with you and who, Auli'i?"


"Excuse me?"

"You came home out of your mind last night!" Jade huffs. "Nearly punched your fucking door, Y/N."

"Nothing bad happened." You mumble. "God." Jade chuckles wryly, "It's perfectly fine that you like her."

"I'm not you. I can't just grab her face in front of Mom and Dad or other people and kiss her like you did Tori." You revealed.

"Of course you're not me." A sigh falls from Jade's lips as her gaze momentarily softens, "I cannot say that I had the same difficulty with falling for girl. But I see you and I hear you. I am always going to have your back- I'm your sister."

You cracked a smile, "Thanks, Jade, How'd her sister react?"

Jade smirked, "Oh, Trina was speechless."

Allowing yourself to chuckle, you then sighed and said, "I'm gonna say this- we've been...flirting and to me it seems like she likes me back. I just cannot get over the mental hurdle of 'Y/N you like girls. That's just who you are. It's not wrong', you know?"

Jade nodded solemnly, "Take things as they come. Don't overthink it. Let's say if she leans in to kiss you and you want it to happen, let it happen. Kiss back, go for it."

— • —

"Auli'i, Jade, Tori- please stay. The rest of you are free to go." Sikowitz announces after the off-beat school bell thrills.

"So, Beck and Andre have to re-sit for their last test. That means I need two of you to help out with the showcase next week. Tori and Jade, you two help out. Auli'i, you'll play Nancy and Y/N will play Walter."

"Y/N, Jade's sister?" Auli'i asks.

"Yes." Sikowitz confirms, "She's in my class too. Freshmen and sophomores have to write a short film script, juniors and seniors have to be in a play. Y/N belongs in the group of students from her class to also be doing the same play for their final grade of the semester."

"Okay." Auli'i shrugs.

"Fine." Jade spoke while chewing gum.

"Good, you all may leave." Sikowitz bid them goodbye. At the Asphalt, Tori and Jade sat with their usual crew while Auli'i went her own way. From the library, you saw her walk by and heard Tori and Jade bickering about god-knows-what. Soon after, you focused your attention on your textbook again. Abruptly, someone taps on your shoulder causing you to jump in your seat. "Oh." You turned to look, realising who it was, "Hi, Auli'i."

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