ski trip [2]

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"What are you making?" Auli'i asks while descending the stairs.

"Gochujang chicken. With rice."

"Ooh." She quickly came to your side. You two were practically shoulder to shoulder when she asks,"Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, I had fun." You tell her, flipping the pieces of chicken in the pan, "You?"

"Oh, yeah. I had a great day." Auli'i couldn't stop smiling, "I'm having an amazing time with you."

"We barely did anything today." You point out with a chuckle.

"Doesn't matter. I still had a lot of fun with you." You could feel her eyes on you and your heart instantly begins to slam against your chest as you very intensely focused on the food.

"Are you ready? Go for it."

"No." You tell her. But too late, she was already counting down from three and then zoomed away on her skis.

'Okay, Y/N. You just learnt this with the instructor- you got this. It's not that steep.'

"Y/N, come on, babe!" You hear her call out.

'...2, 1.' With that, you were off- trying to catch up with her. didn't. Close enough. But she was still a tad faster. At the foot of the slope, there she was, waiting for you. Once you got close enough, you could hear the sound of her giggles.

"I did it!"

"You did it!" She cheered, putting an arm across your shoulder.

~~ • ~~

Plating the food for Auli'i, you hand her her plate then got your own. After that, you sat down with her in the living area and ate while watching TV.

"Who do you think Haley should've ended up with?"

"Not Dylan, for sure." Auli'i said with a scoff, "I also hate that they wrote her to be a mother. Like, I get it, but I always wanted her to be her own boss, have a kickass career before she started her family."

"I wanted her to end up with Andy so bad."

She gasps, "Oh, my god. Same! I don't have much to say about Arvin, but his parents? They pissed me off."

"She was so happy with Andy, though. Why'd the writers have to make her love life such a mess?" You say, then taking a sip of your hot cocoa.

"Yeah." She nodded in agreement, "Listen, I don't know how the heck you do it, but this is about the best food I've ever eaten in awhile."

"Aw, thanks."

"Are you being sarcastic?" She held back a laugh, "Y/N! I'm being honest here."

You giggled. She puts down her plate and scooched closer to you. You gulped, sniffling(Cold weather, ugh).

"What?" You ask her while you could feel your heart rate pick up, looking away to avoid her eyes.

"While I'm in the mood for being honest..." She continues, simultaneously still getting closer to you, "I've liked you forever."

"...W-what?" You stuttered, "Of course, we're friends, I l-"

"No, no." She stops you, right hand cupping your cheek, "I...have the biggest fucking crush on you, Y/N."

You held your breath, gaze slowly turning back to her face, though it was truthfully a blur. Your heart was once again slamming against your chest. "You do?" She gets closer and closer to your face, until both your lips finally melted into one longing, sweet yet passionate kiss. Inside, you were squealing with joy. But then you were suddenly overcome with doubt, and fear. You've yet to come out to anyone in your life— well, with the exception of Auli'i, now that this was happening. But...

"Does that answer the question?"

"Hm?" You hummed in response, absentmindedly.

"Y/N...are you okay?" She looked at you with worried eyes, "Did I take it too far?"

You blink rapidly, sniffling again as you looked at her, "I-I'm okay. You didn't take it too far. I just all of a sudden thought about how I haven't came out to anyone yet. And I'm...I'm scared."

"I'll be with you every step of the way." She promised.

Your eyes were welling up with tears as they finally focused and met hers. She had the most endearing smile on her face as she cups your cheek again, thumb caressing it softly, "I promise."

A couple of tears fell from your eyes as you thanked her. She swiftly wipes them away from her thumb, getting emotional herself. "I love you, Y/N."

Exhaling a shaky breath, "I love you, too."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2023

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