vacation sweethearts [2] • requested

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Before you left, you made sure you would be able to stay in touch with Auli'i. She gives you her number and the two of you exchanged usernames for your private Instagram accounts. Auli'i also drove you and your friends off at the airport.

"Have a safe flight, you guys!" Auli'i exclaimed. Then she and her two friends waved goodbye to the three of you as well while you all entered the departure zone. You slept for most of the flight while your friends were up watching movies and chatting throughout.

Life went on as per usual once you got back home, but your trip to Italy had some memories you would never forget. She gave you her number and all, but you didn't want to reach out to her. The memories you shared were perfect and you didn't exactly feel the need to do anything else. Even though, yes, you might've allowed your little crush on her to grow over the course of the week that you spent together. She was polite, caring, so easy to talk to and just so pretty. Auli'i was such a catch that she seemed way out of your league looking back.

A bit of time passes, you receive something from her in your mail.

'Hi, Y/N. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday! Hopefully this reaches you on time. Even if it doesn't, I hope you'll shoot a text my way because I would love to catch up with you sometime.

Miss you so much!


Without fail, your heart begins to race. You hadn't talked to her since the vacation and you two have only stayed up to date with one another when you saw the other person post on Instagram. That was it. As much as you were contemplating whether or not to text her, your heart wanted to. But did you have the guts to go for it? No.

As if on cue, your phone buzzes on the coffee table and you could read the notification from where you were seated: Auli'i had just posted something. And, speaking of birthdays, you knew for a fact that she didn't tell you her real one. She was telling you her birthday was November twentieth but really, it was on the twenty-second. You couldn't blame her for that— either she had a drink too many or she was trying to protect her own identity.

After pondering over her letter for a good part of the day, you eventually mustered up the courage to text her. You let her know you would like to meet her for some drinks or lunch...or whatever she wanted, really.

— • —

It was now down to two hours before you were supposed to meet her. Turns out, she lives an hour or so away from you all this while. Crazy.

To be fair, you didn't ask and she also didn't bring up anything about where she stayed in L.A.. "Well, it never really came up in our conversations, did it?" She locked eyes with you and you feel the swarm of butterflies in your chest as your cheeks grew warm.

"What've you been up to?"

"Girl, I make minimum wage. How interesting do you think my life can get?"

She purses her lips together, trying not to chuckle, "Sorry."

"Yeah, so I guess you could say the last interesting thing that happened to me was the trip to Italy." You shrug, "Otherwise my life's been just work, come home, eat and sleep."

"Where do you work?"

"Uh, at a movie theatre and a clothing store. Why?"

"Nothing, just curious." She answers, eating a forkful of waffles.

"So, what do you do?" You asked boldly(and as casually as you could seem).

"I'm actually an actress."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now