you have emetophobia

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Let's set the scene here. Auli'i won't be back home until after nine p.m., you were alone with Rocco- Auli'i's cat. Oh, what's wrong? You were having an absolutely agonising migraine. You had them chronically but they rarely ever get this painful. It was so bad now that you felt incapacitated. Ever single sound, every ray of light made you feel worse. Even the smell of the rain made you feel like shit. Even worse, you had the tendency to be throwing up when your migraines were this bad. You couldn't deal with that- especially not without Auli'i being there with you.

It wasn't even noon yet but she's already been on set for four hours already, but you've just been in your room hoping you don't puke your guts out.

You miraculously managed to doze off, and you woke up to worsened nausea. But you got an even bigger shock when you heard that someone was in the apartment.

"Who's there?" You asked, clutching the blanket tightly as you squinted your eyes to focus

"Y/N? It's me." Whoever it was walked into yours and Auli'i's room.

"Teala?" You propped yourself up and grabbed your glasses off the nightstand.

"Auli'i told me no one would be home so I came by to check on Rocco and see if he needs to be fed more." Teala says, "What's going on?"

"What time is it?"

"Almost 3p.m., why? Also, why are you home?"

"Shit, I missed lunch with my Dad. I gotta text him."

"Are you okay?"

"Not really, but don't tell her." You revealed, finding your phone buried under the covers.

She looked at you worriedly, "Do you need anything? Meds? Go to the doctor?"

"No, I just-" You swallowed thickly while sending your Dad a text to apologise and explain why you missed lunch, "Just gotta ride this migraine out. I have the meds, but I'm so nauseous and I just- can't right now."

— • —

"As dumb as it sounds, the idea of throwing up makes me so anxious."

"I get it, I'm right here with you in the meantime."

"Do not tell her what's happening."

"Do you see me holding onto my phone? Relax, deep breaths." Teala coaxed, "You had anything to eat yet?"

"No way." You gingerly got up to go sit in the bathroom.

"Where you goin'?" She followed behind you.

"Sit in the bathroom." You were defeated at this point. You knew you usually felt better after being sick, you just didn't want it to happen.

It didn't happen. After an agonising half hour, you helped yourself to a glass of water before making some toast. You were so hungry, you just didn't dare to eat anything just in case you did throw up.

"Y/N, I'm really worried, so I'm gonna give your girl a call."

You were against that, but did you have the energy? No. So while you nibbled on your toast, she was on the phone with Auli'i.

"In the medicine cabinet? Yeah, I'll make sure she takes that. You wanna go on FaceTime with her or something? She's pretty nauseous and I- yeah, here."

"Hi, love." Auli'i smiled softly, looking at you with clearly worried eyes. "I know it's bitter and all, but take the medication, okay? It'll make you feel a little better at least."

"I have some time, so I'm gonna stay here with you. I got you, alright? You'll be okay. I promise."

"Here, take this." Teala hands you the medication and a refilled glass of water. Next, she disappears into a room and came back to you with a teddy bear. "I know, I know. Baby, it's okay. You did it, you took the pill." Auli'i says, an encouraging smile was on her face.

"I'm sorry." You managed to respond after a little while.

"Don't apologise for that, baby." She was being mindful of the volume she spoke at because she knew extremely well that any noise even just at usual volume made you feel worse during times like these.

— • —

"Just sit on the couch if you don't wanna lay down, okay? It'll be easier for you that way, I figure."

You ended up making yourself comfortable by leaning against the armrest, with your legs stretched across the cushions. Teala sat on the arm chair beside the couch after setting a trashcan next to you just in case. She also had Rocco in her lap.

Expectedly, you eventually threw up about an hour later. You were uncomfortable and embarrassed, but it happened anyway — Auli'i saw the whole thing on the call and Teala was with you instead. It made you feel a bit worse that she had to deal with you whining about being sick. But she didn't care, and it was over almost as quickly as it started. Thank goodness.

"Why must the pain only get better after this crap?" You grumbled.

"At least you feel better now. You want some water?"

"Yeah, but I'll um- I'll go rinse my mouth out first."

"Do you need help?"

"No, I got it." You put down the throw pillow and got up from your seat.  "Thanks for staying with me."

"Hey, it sucks to be alone when you're sick. I get it, girlie. No worries."

Auli'i actually came home earlier than expected that evening. Almost two hours earlier. "Hi, baby." She greets you quietly, gently pressing a kiss on your cheek. "Hi." You mumble, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "Thanks for staying with her, Teala. I owe you one."

"Auli'i, don't even. How long have we known each other for already."

"I got dinner from that place you mentioned a couple months ago." Auli'i glances at Teala, "Y/N and went last week. Those soup dumplings? The best. You wanna stay for dinner?"

"I have plans with my family, but you two enjoy." Teala declines, "Y/N, feel better soon. Auli'i, see you on set."

— • —

"Are you up to try some food?"

"Yeah, I guess. It smells so great." You agreed.

"I'm gonna go change out of this into something more comfortable. I'll just take a minute, hm?"

"Okay." You nodded, sitting at the dining table as you laid out the dishes she bought.

She came back wearing a matching pyjamas set and you thought it made her look even cuter. "What?" She asks, spotting the smile on your  face.

"Nothing, I just think you look adorable." You shrug.

"Aw." She cooed, sitting down beside you, "Let's dig in."


"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"It still hurts, but I don't feel nauseated anymore."

"That's good." She says while handing you a spoon with a soup dumpling on it.


"I'm all yours tomorrow, babe. Got the day off." She grins.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

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