Stronger - [2]*

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Leaving Janis' hospital room, you were met with Regina again. And Damian. "I have to go meet up with another doctor to settle everything else. You guys don't have to wait for me."

"Wait? We're coming with you." Damian says.

"You don't have to say anything, just know we're here if you need anything." You made your way to a certain doctor's office that Janis' doctor told you to head to. There, your first decision to make was whether or not to wait till Janis had woken so she could see the baby and say goodbye. "Her doctor says she's just out of it from anaesthesia right now. She'll be awake before you know it. We don't have to rush the process, y/n. There's no fixed timeline on all this."

"Sarah, is there anything I can do right now? I have to fill in a certificate, right?"

"Yes, I will go get that." She nodded solemnly.

When she came back, she hands you a piece of paper and a pen. "The team is preparing a memory box for your daughter in the meantime. It will be given to you and Janis once it's ready."

"Okay." You sniffed, clicking the pen.

"Take your time. I'll be right here if you have any questions." Sarah says. Nodding, you looked at the first blank. Name.

You and Janis talked about this all night long one night. It was decided. Her first name was, but her middle name was still all up in the air.

'MALIA' You wrote. Swallowing your tears, you tried to recall yours and Janis' options for her middle name.

You stared at the barely-filled certificate for a while before you finally made a decision: Hōkūlani.

Beloved, heavenly star. It seemed like a perfect fit to you and you knew Janis would agree. You knew how important it was to her for names to be meaningful and carrying on her culture.

You filled in all the information you knew and gave it back to Sarah. "Thanks." She smiled, keeping the sheet on paper into a file. "When Janis wakes up, her team will walk you two through what to expect during recovery from the c-section. A different team, specialising in grief will also be connecting with the two of you to help you both during this time in any way you may need."

"Alright, thank you."

"No problem. y/n, if you wish to see your daughter first, you may head up to level 13- room C708."

Once again, Damian and Regina were waiting for you in the waiting room. You were having a debate with yourself about whether or not to see Malia before Janis did. "Paperwork's done." You told them quietly.

"Now you need to eat. Janis would kill us if she found out you hadn't eaten anything nearly all day."

"Fine." You took some deep breaths to calm yourself down, "Can you guys come with me afterwards, to go upstairs so I can see Malia?"

"Oh, you picked out a name already? I love it." Damian put an arm around your shoulder, "Of course we will go with you."

"Cady's taking us outside of the hospital for something to eat. The food here is atrocious." Regina checked her phone, "We will be back right after we eat. You need some fresh air."

While you nibbled on your burger, Regina took a picture of you. "What are you doing?" You looked at her tiredly.

"Giving our friends proof that you're fed." Regina stated matter-of-factly.

"Her name's Malia, you said?" Regina asks. Damian glares at her. "It's fine, Damian." You told him. "What does it mean?"

"Beloved." You answered, "Janis has loved this name from the moment she heard it. Her middle name was between Jayne and Hōkūlani. I went with Hōkūlani because it was more meaningful and directly connected to Janis' culture."

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