took the words right outta my mouth • requested

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"What's wrong with the line?" You ask.

"I just think it doesn't make sense for him." Auli'i answered.

"I don't think you understand how long it took me to write this part, Cravalho." You told her, your arms folded across your chest as you sat in your swivel chair. "You're making my character seem like a slut."

"Excuse me?" You inhaled sharply, "Cora's been the nanny for four years and the boss just keeps giving her signals. It's clear she likes him and that he likes her back."

"It's not original, is it? Literally is The Nanny."

"Yeah. This is a reboot of that." You reminded her.

"What's the point? You could've done so much better."

"Auli'i, we are getting so off track here." You stood up, she sits on your desk- I mean, really. She did.

"But the original's so outdated now."

"I know that. And that's why I'm the one writing this reboot. You do realise this isn't a family living in the nineties- I've been writing it in today's context." You gave her a look to get off your desk, "The pilot did well. Everything I've written so far stays because it works- the network's approved of it already. We're already in the middle of the season."

She sighs, "Alright, fine."

"Good, thank you. Get back to your lunch, please."

She was usually nice, but when the time came for the actual filming, she'd always try to pick an argument, skipping a line or changing them altogether. It was annoying you so you definitely had to find out why she was being like this. It was a world's difference from what you've been hearing about her before this project. Auli'i truly had you dumbfounded at times and questioning your own expertise as a writer. Damn.

After lunch break was over, the cast and crew were ready to get back to work.

"Cora, will you talk to Dad for me?"

"About what?"

"See, I wanna go to this concert. But it's on a school night."

Auli'i scoffs, "Mr Sheffield!"

The teen was ready to dash out of the room, but the man appears. "What?"

"Rosie has a question for you." Auli'i says.

"Cora!" The teenager seethed.

"What is it?"

"Can I go to a concert?"

"And when is that concert?" He asks.

"Tuesday night."

"Ye- on Tuesday? No, way, young lady."

"Thanks a lot, Cora."

As the teen left the kitchen set in a huff, Auli'i sits down at the table. "You didn't suggest that to her, did you?"

"I look after your kids, why the hell would I do that and get myself into trouble here? That was something she could've asked you herself, anyway."

"It won't the first time, Ms Lopez. Over the years, you have embarrassed both yourself and me in front of some pretty big names."

"I mean- Can you blame me?"

You thought you wouldn't need to be on the set all the time, but thanks to her- you had to.

"Okay, cut!" The director yells. You were relieved that this take went smoothly and exactly as you've written it to be. You were just about to turn and leave to return to your office, but she stops you. "Yes, Auli'i?"

"Can I talk to you about the script, Y/N?"


— • —

"What is it?" You ask as you shut the door. "Three times today. What else could possibly be so wrong with the script? You do know I'm not the only writer, right?"

"Wow, a new record." She stated flatly.

"Wow, you took the words right outta my mouth there." You scoff. "Why are you being like this? I don't think I'm that bad of a writer, y'know? Or am I just not good enough for you?"

You saw a change in her expression, but you couldn't describe it. Her head hangs low as she begins to back away.

"Tell me. What's so horrible this time?"

"Nothing." She shrugs.

"Oh, really?"

She walks over to your desk and just sat on it. "Auli'i, come on. What are you doing here, really?""

You could see she was biting back a scoff.

"Just spit it out." You snapped.

She backed up and shut the door before she says, "It's a fucking hard to work with you."

You admittedly gasped, feeling intimidated by her tone, "I'm...sorry?"

"No, no-" She inhales sharply, combing a hand through her hair frustratedly. "God, Y/N. At the risk of sounding extremely unprofessional, I like you?"

"" You gulped, a finger on your chest pointing at yourself. Um.

"Like, like you." She reiterated.

"I...I heard you. I just- wow." You practically fell back into your chair as you looked right at her, unsure of how else to respond.

"You didn't think I hated you, right?" She asked quietly.

"A little, actually." You admitted, your hand still stuck on your chest as you tried to even out your breathing.

She shook her head, "Sorry. I- really."

"Auli'i, it's not you. I just don't think I can be in a relationship right now. I've had a very bad few years...I'm sorry."

"That's okay. I hear you- I just want to make it clear that I don't hate you, but I honestly think— I know the studio and rest of the cast and crew are okay with some lines, they're just not the OG level, and type of humour. But I do love your writing."

"Thanks." You nodded appreciatively, "I'll be doing more...research while working my current draft, for sure."

"Anytime." She smiled, "Okay, I'll leave you be now."

"See you out there, Auli'i." You replied as she left your office.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Thursday, 30 November 2023

Sorry this took awhile!😓

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