alias [2]

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"Jaquel, I'm Sergeant Tutuola from Manhattan SVU. Mind if I ask you some questions about what happened?"

"Sure." He shrugs.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Fin says, "Can you describe what went down?"

"We left my apartment, took a walk to Central Park to get some fresh air, grab a bite and a coffee." Jaquel began, "We did that, was walking through the park and this dude showed up, was all up in our face. Y/N was holding onto cash because we'd stopped at a food cart. Dude grabbed that, she didn't want to let go. I told her to, she did but that bitch ass tried to grab my bag next. I punched him in the eye. He wasn't happy about it and shoved me to the ground. While I was getting up, he pulls out a knife and just cut her. What the fuck? It's the dude that assaulted her that night- I'm sure of it."


He pauses, "His face wasn't covered at all. It looked like him, but at the same time, not really? There was some things different about this guy. She really freaked out when he saw him walking nearby too."

Fin shows him a picture of their number one suspect, "This guy?"

"The face is exactly the same. His eyes weren't blue- they were like, hazel? And his hair- same color, different texture. It was curled."

"Okay, thanks."

"Okay, look. She told me what happened that night and honestly, y'all. That guy needs to be locked up and never let out- he's a whole other level of obsessed. I saw him outside out set once. Mean Girls, in Jersey. Auli'i went out there and gave him an earful, told him to stay away. He was there on the day Y/N visited us on the set."

"Who else saw him other than Auli'i?"

"Y/N did. And Angourie, our friend was talking to her when they saw him lurking."

"We need her address too, to talk to her. Can we have that?"

"Anything to help you guys nail that guy."

"You got any encounters with that guy?" Fin asked further as he takes down the address.

"No, just today. Not even any messages or anything- I don't get whole lot so I usually am able to check them all. So...yeah."

"Alright, thanks for your help, man." Fin nodded, "We'll have our officers at your block to make things a bit safer, alright? I'll take you two home."

"I can go home. She's been admitted." He says. Fin was concerned.

"She was feeling a lot of pain. They had to give her pain meds through an IV and a scan, I dunno- her doctor left before I could find out more."

— • —

Meanwhile in your hospital room, Auli'i was with you when Olivia's friend walked in. "Y/N, Auli'i." He greeted, "I'm sorry to bother y'all but we gotta talk."

"I know." You said back, picking at a frayed corner of the blanket.

"Can you describe the guy for me?"

"I thought it was Alaric." You began, "He looked exactly like him, I swear. But his hair was curly and he had different colored eyes- hazel ones. Or brown."

"Okay." Fin nods, "Does this account belong to Alaric?"

"Yes." Auli'i replies instantly, "He's been using it for awhile. While they were on their press tour, I traveled with them to a few cities. I saw him on this account when he was seated beside me on the plane."

"I knew too after Auli'i told me to be careful. I usually ignore DMs unless they're from people I know, or are my friends and family."

"I get that." He responded, "Has he ever gotten physical with you?"

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