i got you, babe

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"What...what do you mean?"

"What's not to understand?" You took in a sharp breath.

"You just said to us that you were gay." Your father replies.

"Do you even know what that means?" Your mother asks agitatedly.

"Yes. Yes! I know what that means for me- I have known that for 10 years! And then I thought I should tell you two because I'm proud to be myself. But you know what? Forget it, I don't regret telling you because it shows me what kind of people you are, but I regret it because I now have to live with these reactions I got." You swallowed your tears and tried to fight the pricks in your eyes as they welled up.

"I can't accept this."

Your father simply sighs, nodding his head in agreement with your mother.

"You mean me? Because I was never treated like the most disgusting thing on earth until I told you this. Forget it, I'm a grown woman- I don't want to be standing here to take this homophobic bullshit anymore."

You left the house in a huff- your childhood home. Your heart shattered into a gazillion pieces, but you were also proud that you stood up for yourself. However, that didn't stop you from feeling absolutely horrible at the same time. You started thinking it was a mistake to tell them- that it was mistake even to have considered telling them.

You drove home while holding back your tears, which was painful. But forty minutes later, there you were, in the embrace of your girlfriend. "Why did I even think of telling them?" You sobbed.

She said nothing, and just let you get everything off your chest. She did, however, rub your back which you found comforting. "Auli'i, what if your Mom doesn't like me, too?" You sniffled, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. "Baby, you've met her on our FaceTime calls. She loves you." Pulling you closer again, Auli'i kisses the top of your head. Tomorrow afternoon, Auli'i's mom was flying in to spend a couple days in town. Her main objective was to finally meet you in person, and have her usual dinner with her daughter. "Where are we going for dinner tomorrow?" You asked, staring to calm down. "We're staying home." She informs you, "Mom says she wants to cook for us."

"Oh." You sniffle, stretching over to grab a tissue, "Okay."

"She's a great cook. I can't wait to have my mom's home-cooked food again." Auli'i brushes the hair out of your face, "Everything's gonna be okay. I got you, babe."

~~ • ~~

As you saw the airport sign, your nerves make a return. Clutching onto Auli'i's thigh as she parked the car, you reveal to her that you were feeling nervous. "It's okay, baby. Deep breaths." She instructed. Then, she checks the time. "We're pretty early." She says, "Let's just stay in the car awhile and take some deep breaths."

Several minutes later, you were waiting in the arrival hall with your girlfriend, for her mother. People started exiting the glass doors and entering the hall soon enough. It wasn't long before you saw the familiar lady. Of course, she was quick to recognise her daughter. And you. Her smile grows bigger, her pace becomes faster. So did your heartbeat. "Here we go." You mumble to yourself as Auli'i squeezes your hand, brushing her thumb over your knuckles. "Hello, hello." Her mother greets her daughter first, then turned to face you. "Hi." You smiled softly, "Nice to meet you, Mrs-"

"Oh, you're absolutely gorgeous. Nice to meet you, Y/N!" She wasted no time and just hugged you. You chuckled, a little surprised. "Isn't she?" Auli'i nodded, "Mom, let me help you with your suitcase." "Oh, it's okay, honey." She assured.

Within the hour, the three of you were back in Auli'i's apartment. Auli'i begins to help her mom unpack, you did the same while beginning to chat with her. Well, she started the whole conversation. She was really warm and welcoming, but you just had to overcome your shyness and anxiety. "Y/N, you make my daughter so happy." Her Mom smiled at you, "I can see that she does the same for you. I just want you to know, I am very happy for you two. And no matter what, I'll always be a call or text away for you too. The way Auli'i talks about you...I can just see her eyes light up. It's incredible. You're like family already, and I'm so glad to be able to finally meet you."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 18 June 2023
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Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now