first day horrors • requested

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After months of harsh work, you finally got an agent. Today was your first job with them- a photoshoot that they got you for the cover of an up and coming magazine.

You woke up two hours before you had to leave, just so you wouldn't be late. And you were ready way ahead of schedule. Your friend even offered to give you a ride there but you declined. Now, you were majorly regretting that decision.

You weren't good with directions even though you went over them a few times before you even left the house. Now you were lost, and barely have time to make it there.

"Shit!" You mutter under your breath.

Either by luck or pure coincidence, you made it there with practically no time to spare. You were quickly ushered into a room for hair, makeup and outfit changes leaving you to have no time to settle and calm down after that whole struggle to get here.

"Y/N! Come on in here, darling. Chop chop." You hear a voice holler from outside. You gulp, carefully getting off the makeup and hair chair and headed out to the other room, where a big off-white backdrop awaited you.

"Okay, get in the chair and do whatever you want. We're gonna try that first." The photographer instructed.

You followed the order, your heart still racing as you sunk into the wingback chair. You had no time to lose so you just went for it, wanting to just be done with the day at this point. However, you knew it would take a few hours. Because that's what you were told. "Y/N, feet up, turn yourself to face the side. And lean your back against the other side."

"Okay." You said, barely audible.

"Great!" He exclaimed, "Perfect. Okay, smile. There we go."

— • —

"Thanks, Y/N. You did great." The photographer compliments you while he was checking the photos with the rest of the team. Pursing your lips together, you gave a polite nod and smile before you found your way to the bathroom. That was where you finally gave yourself the chance to breathe. It was like a big load was lifted off your shoulders, but then other thoughts began floating into your mind.

'Oh, no. What if they don't like it?'

'I didn't do good enough, did I?'

'Of course not, it's my first time. Why did they even hire me for this?'

'What if-'

Tears instantly pricked at your eyes as your breath becomes shaky and laboured. "Oh, fuck!" You cursed, sniffling.

"Y/N?" You hear someone call your name. You froze, blinking furiously. "Are you okay?"


"No, you're not. What happened? The shoot went really well."


"Would you please come out here?"

'Fine.' You thought to yourself, sulking as you unlocked the stall door. "Oh."

"Hello, there." She greets you with the biggest damn smile. "It's kinda my job to make sure everyone's comfortable and happy on set, so...what's up?"

Despite being a little confused by what she'd just told you, you explained everything to her. "It's okay, it happens okay? It's your first day, don't be too hard on yourself."

"Why are you here? I mean, I thought you were an actor?"

"I started this magazine. I just wanted to be here to check it out, see how things are going?"

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."

"No, no. Don't worry." She assured, "You were curious. Please, don't cry, okay? You did great. Take some deep breaths, take your time and calm down."

She hands you a couple of napkins to wipe your tears dry, "I'll see you after lunch for the interview segment, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks." You gave her a polite smile.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Friday, 27 October 2023

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