visiting her in the studio

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Auli'i was doing some voiceover work in the studio today and you thought it would be nice to pay her a visit. You would love to see her at work- you've never really got the opportunity to see her to that. It was usually only when she was on set, acting. Voice acting? You've only ever seen her in action once.

You'd double checked with her which studio she was recording at, and she told you that you didn't have to go. Partly because you'd just gotten over a pretty bad cold. But of course, you knew that. You simply wanted to go- being cooped up at home for the past couple of days was bound to make you a little bored. And knowing that she probably would've been too busy to eat, you chose to pick her up some lunch from her favourite place on your way there.

 And knowing that she probably would've been too busy to eat, you chose to pick her up some lunch from her favourite place on your way there

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She always seemed to be very happy while doing voiceover work and the happiness was seriously contagious. It never fails to bring a smile to your face. She always makes you smile.

You quietly walked into the studio and you see her sitting on a stool while a guy in charge was giving her notes for the next take. Another person, a lady, notices you and announces that it was time for lunch. Auli'i's eyes dart around a few seconds, lighting up when she saw you. She runs out of the booth and to you, "Hi! You really didn't have to come here, babe. How are you feeling?"

You chuckled, "I'm okay already. Here, I brought you this."

"Ooh, my favourite." She clasps her hands together eagerly, smooching you on the cheek, "Thank you, my love. Are we taking an hour, Cece?"

"Yep. I'm gonna go get my lunch and be right back."

— • —

You and Auli'i ate your lunches together and just enjoyed each other's company. You loved the atmosphere of this studio- it just felt so cozy.

"I can't believe I've only ever got to see you do voice acting once." You said, taking a few sips of your iced matcha. 

"Well, you're in luck." She winks, "I still have a few hours before we're done for the day, so you're welcome to stay and watch for as long as you like."

She was recording for some new season two episodes of Hailey's On It. You admit- that cartoon was a (not) guilty pleasure of yours. It reminded you of old school Disney and you loved that about it. Other than the obvious fact that Auli'i was voicing the main character.

Anyway, after lunch, Manny joins the session.

"Beta, I told you- I'm not completing that list item today."

"What list item?"

"Uh, nothing."

"Let me tell him-"


It cracked you up. Laughing along with the crew, you were captivated watching them. "Oh, right." You hear after some discussion between Cece and the guy you saw earlier- you'd never caught his name. "Y/N, would you be interested in guest-starring in an episode? It'll just be a couple lines, and since you're here, I thought I'd ask you. You clearly know the show, too so I think it'd be easy for you."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now