good 'ol montage • requested

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When you got the call from your manager, who said that you'd gotten the lead role in a movie, you swear you had forgot how to breathe for a minute.

"Fran, don't play with me."

"As much as I do love messing with you sometimes, you really got the part." Fran stated calmly, "In fact, you should be receiving your copy of the script today."


"Y/N, I know for a fact that you heard me loud and clear. Don't be so shocked, you've worked hard."

"Need I remind you that I made a fool of myself in front of my co-star at the screen test." You said.

"Come on. You just tripped over a couple of steps."

"And I fell on my face in front of her, thank you."

"How's that my fault, you?" She laughs.

"You were calling me like you just witnessed a fire at my place! I thought it was urgent."

"Oops." Fran replies, "You're okay right?"

You kept quiet.


"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Fran."

"Bye, doll. I'll see you soon, okay?"

You bit back a laugh, "Yeah, bye-bye. Thanks."

Now 'the incident' has been brought up, you couldn't help but think about it. Apart from a couple of bruises and cuts, you were fine. The only thing that was really bruised, was your ego. You fell. Riiiight in front of the one and only Auli'i Cravalho.

— • —

Exiting the premises of where your screen test was held, you finally reached into your pocket to retrieve your phone that's been constantly buzzing since you were inside the room. Now that you were free, you could check out what was happening that needed your attention so badly. Turns out, it was your manager.

With one hand trying to sling your purse across your body, and the other trying to call your manager back, you weren't exactly paying too much attention to where you were going and lost your footing. You missed a step, then you proceeded to trip over a curb and fell flat on your face. (Yay.)

"Oh, shit. Are you alright?"

You froze upon hearing that voice. "Yeah, I- am. Just majorly embarrassed is all." You chuckled awkwardly, helping yourself up off the floor.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. No big deal."

She smiles at you warmly, "Alright, then. See you around, Y/N."

"Bye, Auli'i."

The script, right. It was a pretty typical rom-com, except it was focused on queer characters. And, it was directed by the director of Crush. Despite your excitement, a small part of you was also worried of not being able to meet their expectations of the role.

"Ooh, Y/N!" Auli'i spots you and ran over excitedly to give you a hug, "Hi!"

"Hey!" You matched her enthusiasm— boy was she endearing. "How are you?"

"Little tired, but so excited to start working on this." She smiled widely.

"Auli'i, Y/N. Come over here for a minute, please?" Sammi the director requested from where she was standing- the other side of the place.

Auli'i and you both jog over to her.

"Alrighty, so- you both know we're filming out of order. Majority of them should be fine, but there would be one that requires you guys to work with our intimacy coordinator." She begins to explain, "We've all already read the script, but I just wanted to let you know that. And that the very first scene we're filming would only be involving the two of you."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now