enchanted [1] • requested

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You were a big fan of Auli'i. Anyone who knew you, knows that. From the minute you saw Moana in theatres, you just became a fan. And when she came out as bi, you fully developed a crush on her. By the way of fate, you won a VIP pass to the premiere of the live action Moana film. You could not believe it. But indeed, it was happening. You were on cloud nine ever since we found out the news. And today was the day. You got up early to get your hair and nails done. Made sure your phone was all juiced up, you know. All of that stuff.

As the evening approached, your excitement grew and grew. You simply could not wrap your head around the fact that you got so lucky. They paid for your outfit and transport, which was great. You got a little taste of the VIP treatment— Not that you particularly cared for it in the first place, but it was nice.

Upon arriving at the venue, you quickly bypassed the crowds of fans and reporters, asking an usher where you should be headed. She directs you to the end of the navy carpet where a small group of fans stood. You obediently stood in that spot, making sure your notebook and pen where in your sling bag in the meantime. Just in case Auli'i had the time to stop for an autograph. The other fans beside you were a group of four girls and a guy- bustling in conversation. You noticed they also had the VIP lanyards— they were the other fans who won the contest. They all seemed to know each other already so you didn't know how to join their conversation or even just say hi and introduce yourself. Therefore, you kept to yourself, double checking your hair and makeup right as the first person walked onto the carpet: it was the cast of the movie- they all walked on in a group. The cameras went crazy. Flash after flash, the reporters questions were overlapping. Quickly, you started to feel a tad overwhelmed. Or annoyed by the clamouring— you weren't too sure, to be honest.

Suddenly, fans in the front of tje carpet started screaming. Your ears perked up- Auli'i was here. Oh, damn. She actually was stopping to take pictures and sign autographs for fans as she was also stopping for interviews along the navy carpet. One good thing about where you were standing was that it was a barricaded area, separate from the rest of the fans and reporters so you guys weren't getting pushed and shoved.

From the corner of your eye, you see Auli'i approaching your section while you were getting out your notebook and pen. "Um- excuse me." A girl behind you pushes you aside, not to subtly. Since you were wearing platforms, you almost fell over. You thought you were going to fall to the floor and embarrass yourself in front of Auli'i. But no, a hand steadies you, grabbing you by the elbow. "Are you okay?"

Wait a second. You knew that voice.

"Uh- y-yeah. I'm fine." You stood up straight, "Thanks...oh, God. That was embarrassing, wasn't it? Hi."

"Hi, I'm Auli'i. What's your name?"


"Oh, I love that name. Such a beautiful meaning." She gasped, "Now, six of you hold the VIP passes so no one had to push anyone. You will all get your time with me."

"Thank you." You smiled politely, "I just want to say, you have had such a big impact on my life. Thank you for doing what you do. It's so important."

"I'm happy to do what I do. Thank you for being a fan." She smiles brightly, "I'll see you all in there for the movie, yeah? Front row, you guys!"

The group beside you squeals. Meanwhile, you were in shock while you were trying to process the encounter you just had with Auli'i. "Holy, shit." You mumbled.

"Ladies, and gentleman." A reporter came up to your group, "How are we feeling tonight?"

— • —

Making your way to your seat while engaging in small talk with another one of the girls, Noelle— she was nice, thank god. "Is that your seat?"

"Oh, yeah." She nodded, "Nice. We're seated together. Second row. I wonder where the cast and crew are seated."

"Probably the first row?"

"Right, of course. Duh." She laughed.

There was some music playing through the speakers in the place. So you were fully enjoying yourself already, getting to listen to some of your favourite songs before getting to watch a movie you were extra excited about.

Other guests began filling up the theatre, then you hear Auli'i talking to a cast member several rows behind you. But her voice got closer and closer. Then, you heard a pair of boots stop beside you- you were seated one away from the aisle.

"Oh, hello, Y/N!" She was genuinely happy to see you. You locked eyes with her just as you heard 'I was enchanted to meet you' echoing through the speakers.

Indeed, you were. What a coincidence.

Also, she looked bloody amazing in that mauve coloured blazer with that plumeria tucked behind her ear. It was a simple look, but she looks so glamorous in it. Obsessed? Shamelessly.

"Hey, Auli'i." You smiled softly. She sits down in the seat beside yours. "Oh my god." You mouthed, eyes widened in surprise. "Hey." She nudges you gently to get your attention. "Yeah?" You glanced at her. "Are you excited for the movie?"

"Of course!" You exclaimed, "I've been waiting for it ever since I heard the news."

"And we get to watch it a day early? We seriously won." Noelle chimed in.

"Right?" You agreed.

While Noelle quickly got back to texting someone on her phone, Auli'i continues chatting with you- asking you questions about yourself to get to know you. "Pua or Heihei?"

"Come on. Oh my God." You shot her a look, "I love them both!"

"Nuh-uh, you gotta pick one!" She insists.

You pondered for a second, "I get why they had Heihei be on the boat instead of Pua, but I love Pua more. He's so cute."

"Aw." She laughs, "I get it. He is really adorable. So's your phone case."

"What can I say? I'm a Pua stan." You joked.

"Hell yes." She gave you a high-five then asked if she could take a closer look at your phone case. Of course you let her. "Do you want me to sign your notebook? I recall you were holding on to it but I didn't get to sign it outside."

"Oh, yeah. That'd be amazing." You got your notebook and pen out once again. She takes them, asking you if the way she spelled your name was correct. "Yep." You confirmed. "Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome, Y/N." She hands the items back to you. You immediately kept them to make sure the autograph was safe. Noelle asks for an autograph too, Auli'i gladly signed one for her.

Before the movie started, Auli'i was on stage giving a little speech. "I believe this movie holds just as much — if not, more importance than the original. It was a crucial step I had to take as executive producer to make sure the stories told were authentic, and the people who brought the characters to live having to look like the animated version was also a big part of having accurate representation and allowing polynesian people to have their opportunities to shine. Of course, not forgetting the fans, new and old from all over the world showing us all the support over the years. It has been an honour working on this project with a bunch of incredibly passionate and talented storytellers. To all the fans, here and everywhere else, it's been enchanting to meet you. Without further ado, please enjoy: Moana. Thank you, everybody."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Thursday, 09 November 2023

Double update yay!😂

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