pink day! [2]

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"I can't believe our days off got approved."

"I can." Chris smirked, "Our dear manager definitely does not like Quinn. And I definitely ratted her out about napping while we're dying out at the counter swarmed with customers."

"Okay, but two days extra? Really? Never would've thought."

"You're quite literally a model employee, Y/N." Chris stated.

"Oh, come on."

"You're always on time. Never gotten any complaints from customers and you put up with Quinn's bs." Chris listed.

"Chris. Let's just enjoy our time off and not talk about work for a bit." You said.

"Good point. You wanna go eat?"

"Why not, right? Pizza?"


"Bleecker Street." You stated.

"No." Chris glared at you, horrified.

"Is it so bad?" You feigned being offended.

"It's not bad, I've just had better." He shrugged.

"To each their own." You shrug, "What's on the agenda, Chris?"

"Let's whatever we want. Do touristy stuff, I dunno. We haven't had actual time off to relax in a few months."

"Well, we've got bills to pay and New York's expensive. Even with splitting up of costs with roommates."

"But, now we're free to do whatever we want for four whole days. That's amazing."

"Couldn't agree more." You shrugged, "Let's just pop into the toy store for a bit."

"Sure, whatever you want." He says as you took him by the wrist and led him towards FAO Schwarz at the Rockefeller Center. Admittedly, you wanted to look at some Funko Pops and possibly get some new additions for your collection. Chris was just happy to be there. "Oh, that's so cute!" He gasped when you held up a Lizzie McGuire Funko Pop. "There's a little mini one with it."

"So that's a yes?"

"Oh, yes, honey. Definitely get that."

— • —

After dropping the stuff you two bought back at the hotel, you and Chris were headed back out to explore the city and take some pictures for memories' sake. He's been with you through some shitty days and you were thankful for that. This trip was literally godsend- came right on time. "How'd things go with that girl you met at the pub?"

"Ghosted me." You shrugged.

"Girl, that sucks. She was all over you that night."

"Eh, it's fine. Shit happens, just wasn't meant to be, I guess."

After a few hours of walking around, you and Chris settled on a place to have lunch in Little Italy since you were both craving some pasta for lunch so that seemed like the obvious choice. "Now, which restaurant are we going to?" Chris asked, hand on his hip. You bit back a laugh, "I dunno. Whichever's fine."

"Fine. Don't tell me the food sucks afterwards just 'cause I liked it and you didn't."

"Alright." You shrugged with a laugh, following behind him when he enters a restaurant.

Time just flew by today. You and Chris were now getting ready to head to the venue of the premiere. You two signed in and got a good spot by the pink carpet to await the arrival of the movie's cast. You both expected it to be crowded, but what was not expected were some media outlets asking to take photos of you two. Granted you guys were told about photos being taken at the event, you didn't think they would actually ask you be on the carpet. Plus, you and Chris also had to wear lanyards for staff to identify that you were contest winners. So it was no wonder that the media people knew why you guys were in attendance and even interviewed you both. Chris was thrilled to be talking. You? Not so much. You felt unprepared even though you have been warned beforehand. Once again, about this being a possibility.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now