your love's like [2] • requested

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You knew Auli'i was born and raised in Hawaii. In Kohala, to be exact. But you have never been there, she always went back home alone because you were worried about meeting her friends and family from back home. And also, you knew not to travel there because the islands aren't necessarily made to withstand tourism.

With wedding planning now in full swing, the both of you have taken the chance to talk to her family about the engagement. Everyone was excited, but her Mother was probably the most excited for the two of you out of everyone. Offering to help, gushing over how pretty you were, and how you made Auli'i so happy.

"Why haven't you joined her when she comes back home, Y/N?" The woman asked curiously.

"I just- I know a lot of people are traveling to Hawai'i but locals are against it, and rightfully so. So, I didn't want to add on to the traffic. But that's her home, she's supposed to go home. That's where her family and friends are."

Auli'i truly appreciated that you were aware and cared about her home, smiling, she tells her Mom, "Don't worry, Mom. She will finally be meeting all of you at the wedding that we're gonna be holding in Hawai'i."

"Really? I look forward to finally meeting you, Y/N."

You gave her a smile in response, "You too, Mrs. Cravalho."

"See you soon, Mom." Auli'i waved goodbye and hung up the video call.

"See? Told you my Mom would love you." Auli'i shuts the laptop, taking your hand in her own.

"She's so excited. It's sweet." You nodded, still a teensy bit nervous but a huge weight has certainly been lifted off your shoulders.

She nods in agreement, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.

"'ve been talking about me a lot?" You ask, recalling her Mother's revelation that made your cheeks burn a bright red.

"Oh, yeah." She giggles, "How could I not?"

The wedding was confirmed to be a small, intimate one on the beach. Just her family, friends and your own. As much as you wanted both of your parents to be there, they have expressed their disinterest in your life after you came out so inviting either of them soon became a distant thought. A few of your closest friends and sister however, agreed to be there instantly.

— • —

Weeks of planning and packing later, you have finally arrived in Hawai'i with your soon-to-be wife. Once you landed, you were immediately in awe of the sights. Auli'i found it absolutely adorable and was snapping away on her film camera. You caught a glimpse of what she was doing and stopped to look at her, "What?"

"Nothing. Just looking at you."

A smile tugs at your lips as you continued walking hand in hand with her, now looking for her Mom who was somewhere in the sea of people outside the arrival hall. Auli'i finally spots her and she leads you to her quickly. She wanted to get out of the airport before getting spotted. Neither your engagement nor wedding were announced, so if anyone found out, it was truly a disturbing fact.

Her Mom greets the two of you in Hawaiian, and you greeted her back the same. It was a tiny gesture, but she was happy to hear it. Pulling you into an unexpected but much appreciated hug, you felt your nerves and anxiety just go away.

Soon, you two were in her Mom's car and she was driving you all home. "How was the flight?"

"It was good. She slept through most of it, and I did some reading. Ooh, the food was pretty good too."

"Good. Everyone's so excited."

You were too, not just for the wedding(duh), but also to see where she grew up in person. Meeting everyone else in her family? Not so much, purely because of how much of an anxious person you are.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now