family roadtrip [2] • requested

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"Are you sure you don't need to go to the restroom?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna grab a drink and walk around a little. You guys go." You grab your wallet while Auli'i took Koa to use the restroom. You and Malia went into the convenience store to grab a drink and maybe a snack or two. She and Koa have went through nearly half a bag of the Goldfish that Jodie got them, believe it or not.

It was currently hour 1.5 of a 5-hour drive from Encino to Big Sur, you didn't actually know how long it would be but just went with the flow.

"Still not telling me where we're going?"

"Nope." She grins, "Can I have a sip of that?"

"Sure." You handed her the bottle then urged the girls to get back into the car.

You chatted with them for the rest of the drive— well, till Koa fell asleep, then you decided to move on to reading. It appears that Malia had the same idea. "Do you want me to take over and drive?" You offered.

"No, I'm okay, baby." She tells you, giving you a glance as she had a hand on your thigh comfortably.

"Okay." Your eyes were focused back on your book as you responded, and you could still feel her gaze on you— her smile too. You guys were the only car on an empty freeway— don't worry.

— • —

"Now that the girls are settled in and off playing board games...maybe it's time for us to play." Auli'i suggested.

"Um-" Your breathing hitched, "Maybe let's wait till the girls are asleep."

"Suit yourself." She shrugs, that cheeky look appears.

You scoff, laying down on the bed and immediately crawling under the covers.

"Are you sick?"

"What?" You mumble.

"You're so tired, are you coming down with something?" She was beside you in a second, feeling your forehead with the back of her hand.

"I dunno." You admitted without much thought.

"If you do feel sick as the evening progresses, you tell me. Okay?" She runs a hand through your hair, stroking your cheek.

"Alright, alright." You exhaled.

When she tells you she was going to be in the kitchen making dinner for the family, you offered to join her but she made you take yet another nap. You didn't fight it, but instead simply set an alarm to wake you up in an hour. So that you could actually spend time with the girls and your wife this weekend after spending majority of your time at work.

As you began to wake up an hour later, Malia and Koa came into the room you and Auli'i were sharing. "Hi, mommy." Koa climbed into bed.

"Hi, girls. What've you two been up to?"

"We played some card games. And board games." Koa tells you happily, "Then we went in the pool."

"Did you have fun?" You ask the both of them while patting on an empty space beside yourself on the bed for Malia to join you. She did, saying, "Yeah. You wanna play with us, Mommy? Or we could watch a movie here."

"Why don't you girls pick what we do?" You suggested, "Mommy's gotta go to the bathroom, but I'll be right back, okay?"

"Malia, can we watch a movie?"

"Yeah!" Malia agrees, instantly looking for the remote for the TV in this room.

"Hello, girls." You hear Auli'i's voice as the bathroom door shut. She was asking them where you were and they said you were in the bathroom. Next thing you knew, the door opens and she just walks inside. "Oh, my God, Auli'i." You gasp, blinking furiously. "How are you feeling?"

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now