i'd rather be me • requested

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There it was. Auli'i's alarm going off at five in the morning- just as it has been for the past three mornings. You flew into L.A. earlier on in the week to see her, but really, you've been seeing Rocco, her cat way more. She's been having meeting after meeting while you were either home with Rocco or out taking walks in the neighbourhood or having a meal. You were feeling a little...forgotten. But you knew she was busy so you tried to push that feeling aside. That evening, when she came home from work with your favourite takeout she also came home with major announcement.

"So you'll be in Jersey...for how- long?"

"Three months."

Your breathing hitched as you felt that annoying tightness in your throat while your eyes welled up with tears. At this point, you did all you could to avoid contact because you felt insane for having such a negative reaction to good news. You felt like a wreck and were sure you seemed like one to her. You've been feeling like shit for the past week and thought that seeing Auli'i would at least make you feel better. But instead, you were feeling worse. You held it together till after dinner. But she couldn't tell in an instant that something was going on- you were upset. Very upset.

"Y/N, talk to me." She sits down beisde you once she's cleared the dinner table. "What's going on? You knew that there would be a high chance that I'd get this role. We knew that."

You took a deep breath and nodded, "I know. I just- I don't know why I'm being so dramatic. But I've just been feeling like crap for the past week and so I was so- excited to see you because spending time with you always made me feel better."

You sniffed before continuing. She grabs ahold of your hands, "I just feel like I barely even see you anymore lately. All I see is your cat. And your neighbours."

You ran off into the bathroom before she could say anything in response. Shutting and locking the door behind yourself, you pulled your pants down and saw a sight that made you lose it. "Are you kidding me?! Of all the days, my period gets here now?!"

"Y/N, can you open the door please?"

You could reach it from where you were- she knew that. And she heard you scream all of that, so. Oh how you wish you could dig a hole in the ground and never come out of there. Fuck it, you opened the door. "I'm gonna need-"

"Yeah, I got it." She jogs down the hall to her room to get you a pair of shorts and underwear. You took out a pad from the cupboard by the toilet while you waited for her to return. "Thanks." You quietly changed while she stood leaning by the bathroom door. She wasn't even fazed by any of it. "Now we know why you're so emotional." She chuckles, "But you're right to be. You barely get to see me, and I barely get to see you for only a few minutes a day. Maybe an hour at most. When we get to eat lunch or dinner together. And that sucks, baby. I'm sorry."

— • —

After the whole debacle at dinner, everything calmed down and you were comfortably in her embrace as she massaged your head. "I'm sorry I made it such a big deal- I knew what all comes with your life as an actor and singer, everything."

"I get that, Y/N. Hormones are out of whack this time of the month. It's not easy." Auli'i presses a kiss to the top of your head as she hands you the remote. "Do you still feel nauseous?"

"Quite." You sighed, taking the remote from her.

"Is there anything else I could do to help?" She asks softly.

"I'll be okay." You shook your head no. The rest of your night went by just like that before she persuaded you to go to sleep in an actual bed rather than doze off on the couch.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now