family roadtrip [1] • requested

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"Malia, could you check on your sister for me? Make sure she's not spitting the water everywhere after she brushes her teeth?" Auli'i asked.

"Sure, mama." The nine-year old hops off the barstool and jogs to the bathroom down the hall.

"Thank you, honey." Auli'i calls after her while keeping an eye on the food she was cooking- the family's favourite: white chocolate chip and banana pancakes.

"Morning, mama."

"Good morning, Koa!" Auli'i turned to look at the younger sibling, a bright smile on both their faces.

Malia's nine, and Koa's four. They were both conceived via IVF after a draining few years of trying and failing, on top of a rather terrifying birth of Malia where their plans went completely out the window when the time came. Anyway, Auli'i and the girls were taking a road trip to visit you on set. It was your last day before the project wraps up and the four of you would be continuing the trip across the border to a nice little getaway as a family.

"Are you girls excited to see Mommy?"

"Yeah." The girls nodded eagerly as Auli'i turns around the serve them their breakfast.

"Does she know where we're going?" Malia asks.

"Nope, it's gonna be a surprise."

"Ooh." Malia giggles just as Auli'i places a plate of the food in front of her, "Thank you."

"Thank you, mama." Koa grins, excitedly stabbing her fork into the stack of pancakes.

After breakfast, Auli'i got the girls dressed and ready for the trip before washing the dishes and getting ready herself. "Alright, girls. Let's go." Auli'i glances in the rearview mirror as she started to drive off. "Whose turn is it to pick the music?"

"Me!" Malia exclaimed. Koa points to her. "Okay, go ahead." Auli'i nods.

Today's car ride was peaceful. Which was great. Other times, they would be bickering about the silliest things like any siblings would. But the shrill screaming would quite literally pierce her eardrums when it happens. Not to mention the crying- typically from Koa when she doesn't get what she wants. In the car, it was usually about the music they were listening to.

Relieved, Auli'i focuses on driving while Koa sings along to the songs and Malia was engrossed in her storybook. It was about an hour long drive to your set, Auli'i and the girls would be spending their day there till you wrapped so they could take you to a nice cabin in Big Sur with them. (She'd brought your passport and other items that you could need, of course)

"Alright, here we are. Hang on, girls."

Malia and Koa unbuckled their seatbelt as Auli'i pulled up by the security post. "Hi, Ron. We're here to see Y/N."

"Auli'i! Of course, hi girls!"

"Hi, Uncle Ron!" Malia waves, giving the kind man a gleeful smile. Koa waves to him with the same enthusiasm. Ron lets Auli'i drive through, "Thank you, Ron. Good to see you!"

— • —

Auli'i leads the girls to sit down at a table they had out for guests, wordlessly reminding to remain quiet since the camera was still rolling.

"Cut! That was a great take. Okay, let's break for lunch and be back in one hour, everybody!" The director, Gloria announced.

The girls knew what that meant. They could go say hi to their mommy now. "Oh, my God!" You gasped, "Hi, girls! Oh, I missed you so much!"

The kids practically tackled you with hugs— it was a surprise you didn't fall over. "Hi, darling." Auli'i smooches you on the cheek. "Hi." You grinned while picking up Koa with one arm. "What a nice surprise." You commented. "We thought so." Auli'i mirrors your smile.

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